Chapter Sixteen

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'We need to talk to you..." Nancy smiles. I look towards my dad to see his grim expression... What's happened?

"Where's mum?" I ask, panicked.

"She's still at work. She's fine." My brother stands up and walks towards me. He wraps his arm around me making me feel secure.

"Then what's this about?" I hesitantly question. My heart beat picks up as my anxiety rises.

"Sit down Lil," Luca says, gently pushing me towards the sofa.

Nancy smiles at me, nudging Nathan to look up. I simply stare at them, no emotion in my face.

My legs slowly bend so that I am able to sit down as I nervously play with the ring on my finger.

My dad begins, his voice hoarse. "You know that we aren't your real parents. We are very open about that with you. And you also know, we always love you as if you were one of our own, even if you aren't."

What does he mean by this? This is weirding me out... Luca's hand rubs my own in a soothing motion but does the complete opposite of it's intention.

"Dad, I don't care if you're my adoptive parent or not. You are and always will be a better parent than my own. You took me in and loved... Love me. I could never ask for anyone better. Why are you saying all this?" My voice shakes towards the end.

I notice Nathan getting uncomfortable on the sofa as he fidgets about.

"I feel so terrible for lying to you," my dad sighs, holding his head in his hands.

I look towards Luca for some kind of clue as to what the fuck is going on but he just stares at the wall, his eyes watering slightly. How serious is this? If it's making Luca upset something awful must have happened...

"Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on? And why are you even still here?" My voice raised slightly as I look towards the awkward pair.

"Lilly..." Luca drags off trying to make me sit back down. But I couldn't. I was too nervous.

"Please, tell me."

"Nancy and Nathan. They're your... Dear God. They're your parents." My dad runs a hand down his face.

After them three words I hear nothing. How did they find me? Why are they back? What do they want?

"Lilly," Nancy opens her arms expecting me to hug her. Anger courses through me, how dare she walk back into my life expecting me to be okay about it!

"How dare you," I spit, "how dare you waltz back into my life when you were the one who gave me up in the first place!"

"Lilly, we had to... We weren't ready-"

I cut Nathan off. "You weren't ready?! You could have at least tried Nathan! You could have at least attempted to look after me but you threw me away as fast as you could."

"We came here to ask if you'd like to come back with us..." Nancy smiles lightly.

"Come back? Are you fucking serious right now! After seventeen years you finally realise you're ready to look after a kid? As you can see I am not a kid anymore. I have my own family here and you can't come amd go when you please."

I stomp out of the room and into the back garden where I sit on the swing. I used to always come here when I got into trouble or when I needed to think. Right now it was the latter.

The sound of feet against the pavement draws my attention away from my thoughts.

"Nathan may or may not now have a broken nose," Luca softly smiles. I laugh as he sits down on the swing next to me.

"I don't get it..." I trail off. My head hurts from all the stress and anger.

"I know. It's a pretty shitty move for them to come back. Even more so ask if you want to leave with them... You're not going to... Leave with them right?" Luca looks towards me, concern evident in hid features.

"Not in a million years, you don't have to worry."

Making me jump, my brother stands up and hugs me. This is so out of character for him to randomly hug me but I understand why. He's worried I'm going to leave.

I follow his movements and stand up, "Luca, I'm not going anywhere."

He puts and sticks out his little finger, "pinky promise?" I smile, lacing my finger with his. This might seem childish but this is our legitamit form of trust. If one of us doesn't pinky promise, we know they are lying.

"Pinky promise."


I turn the music up through my earphones to block out the arguments coming from downstairs. Nancy refuses to leave whereas Nathan is more than happy to go. Shows what a great dad he'd make.

"I want to see her! Please let me see her!" Nancy cries.

"She doesn't want to see you nor does she want to leave with you." My mother says. More wails exit Nancy's mouth as she's helped outside by the likes of Nathan.

I stand by the window, watching her struggle to the car. Shit! She looks at me, directly in the eye and mouths something. I don't catch on what this was but it's probably nothing important anyway. I aggressively pull my curtains shut, blocking any view of her.

"Lilly? Can I come in?" My mum asks.

"Yeah!" I reply. As soon as she opens the door, she runs over to hug me. I return the gesture and can't help but feel my eyes tear up.

"Oh my beautiful Lilliana," my mum cries, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I lean into her hand, feeling the heat radiate from it.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too."

"Sorry to break up the moment here but Lilly and I are over due a movie night," Luca barges in. Well, that's one way of breaking a mother-daughter moment.

"I don't have a choice in this do I?" I raise an eyebrow at the amount of films and food he has in his arms. I'm suprised he hasn't dropped anything.

"Nope," he laughs, launching himself onto the bed sending everything else flying.

"I'm going to have to clean that up you know," I sigh, rolling my eyes. My mum laughs at us both and walks out of the room.

"I know, and I ain't helping."

"Gee thanks."


Hi! I'm so sorry I've been inconsistent with the updates lately. I've just been so stressed with school work and to be honest I've been feeling a little shitty myself.

I hope you liked the chapter! I'm a little tired so I had to quickly write this up, if you want it to be more detailed just comment and I'll go back and edit some parts for you.

Thanks for reading my story! The reads are incredible! The other week we were quite far up in the ranks with teen fiction so I appreciate everything you do for me. :)

I'll try to update when possible but I promise it won't be too long of a wait.

Don't forget to vote, comment, share and all that jazz.

Thanks again!


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