Chapter Eighteen

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Footsteps behind me increased their pace.

"Lil! Princess! Wait up!" I heard Hunter shout. This only made me increase my pace, attempting to avoid him as much as possible but he continued to catch up with me.

When he finally caught up, his breathing had picked up slightly. "What's up, Lils?"

"What's up?" I laughed, "what's up?! I don't know Hunter, maybe you would like to spread some knowledge on the situation at hand."

"What's with all the sass? What the fuck did I do?" His eyebrows drew in, taking in my pissed off expression. What did- did he just?- hold up.

"What did you do?" I turned around and walked up to him. He smirked and put his hand on my hip, only for me to slap it off. His smirk soon dropped. Ha.

"Lil what's wrong?"

"You want to tell me about the bet?"


All smugness from his face dropped, he soon wore a blank expression. His eyes held guilt, regret and most of all, shock. He didn't think i was going to find out. He was going to keep it from me and play me.

"That's what I thought," I snapped. I spun on my heels and walked in the opposite direction only to be stopped by a hand holding my wrist.

"Who told you?" Hunter asked, his voice laced with anger.

"That's all that bothers you? The fact that someone was actually decent enough to tell me about your little game? Fuck off Hunter. You know what, I hate you. I hate the fact that I trusted you. I hate the fact that you allowed me to tell you my secrets and get close to you even when you knew that this was all for some bet. I hate the fact that you played along, that you continued to be fake towards me even when I thought you was being genuine. And you know what I hate most of all? I hate myself. I hate myself for even letting myself trust you, for letting myself open up to you."

I didn't realise until the end of my speech that I was crying. Tears began to cloud my vision and cascade down my face. Hunter's features hold hurt, I thought I could even see tears in his eyes. But I was probably wrong. Why would he cry when he was just doing this for a laugh? For a joke? Treating me like a joke. How could i have been so stupid.

"Lilly, please listen to me." His voice grew hoarse, his breathe ragged. I don't know why I did but I wanted to hear it from him. I wanted to hear his side of the story. "I didn't do it for a joke, Lils. At first maybe... But, I began to see how much of a great person you are. You're gorgeous, smart, funny and heck I have fallen for you. Hard." His hand came up towards my cheek but I turned my face away, not wanting to feel his touch.

"Then why do it." I whispered. Once again, silence followed. How could i have been so fucking stupid.

Wiping my tears from my eyes, I ran. I ran away from him, from my problems, from my home. I don't know where i was heading but all I know is that I need time away from everything and everyone. The only person I could think of was Elijah. He has always been there for me. No matter what.


I walked up towards my best friends door and knocked three times. My heart raced as I waited for someone to answer.

"Hel- Lilly? Shit. Lil what's up? Come here." Elijah pulled me in for a hug and I broke. I held his shirt in my fist as he slowly walked us inside.

He began to whisper that it'll be okay into my hair but i knew it wouldn't. I felt betrayed. I trusted Hunter, I trusted him.

Elijah carefully sat me down on the sofa next to him and cuddled me for a while until my sobs grew quiet.

"Want to tell me what's up?" He softly questions, wiping my tears from my face with his thumb. I shook my head. "That's okay, you can tell me when you're ready."

I sniffed and drew some of my hair back, behind my ear. "I trusted him," I whispered. At this statement, Elijah went rigid.

"Who? Hunter?"

I nodded.

"What did he do Lilly. I swear to god I will-"

"He lied to me. You know, I told him some serious shit and he betrayed me. It was a bet. All of it."

Elijah relaxed slightly at the side of me but balled his fists and clenched his jaw.

"Why..." I looked up to see his eyes already placed on me, however, they looked distant, as if he was trying to figure something out.

"Because I'm-"

"Don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare put yourself down because of them. Lilly, they are complete arses, you deserve so much better. A heck of a lot better. For them to make you feel like this is honestly so disgusting. They needed a bet to even pluck up the courage to talk to you. What does that say, hm? That you are way out of their league and they are sid the sloth wannabes." I laughed lightly at the last statement. He always finds a way to cheer me up. "You can stay here if you want? We could order a pizza and watch a bunch of disney films?"

"I'd love that," I smiled up at him. He kissed my hair and then went into the kitchen for a menu. I couldn't ask for a better best friend.

Guys I am soooo sorry about the long wait for the update.

A lot of shit has been going on in my life recently and honestly I've been feeling really shitty too. I've also had a bunch of school work to do so that put the cherry on top of everything.

You guys make me feel so much better with all the comments you leave. I can't promise for a quick update because that'd mean me lying. I have a lot of stuff to do and also i need to start and try to sort myself out.

Turns out one of my best friends aren't really all they presented themselves to be and that's fucked me up a lot. Family stuff too.

I appreciate all you do for me. Thank you.


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