Chapter Eight

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I adore this gif of Elijah and Lilliana 😍

Ugh. My head is killing me. It feels like I've just had ten rounds with Rocky in the ring.

I slowly get up from my bed and look into my bathroom mirror. Damn. It looks like I've done ten rounds with Rocky. I look an absolute mess.

I try to remember what happened last night but after my argument with Hunter, everything's blurry.

I need some aspirin...

I head downstairs to get some medicine but freeze in my tracks when I hear someone's voice other than my parent's or my brother's.

"Would you like anything more to eat?" I hear my mum ask.

"Oh no, I'm fine thanks Mrs. Williams."

"Please, call me Kerry."

My curiosity gets the better of me as I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning sunshine," Hunter smiles, raising an eyebrow.

By the look on his face, my brother kicked him from under the table. Ha.

My eyebrows draw together in confusion as I try to remember what the fuck happened for Hunter to be in my house, let alone eating my food.

"Would you like any food sweetheart?" My mum asks.

"Erm, no thanks... Hunter can I talk to you?"

"I'm eating," he replies, waving me off.

"Now." I snap since the nicer approach didn't work. Hunter raises his eyebrows and stands up, walking around the table and follows me through to the living room, mumbling something about me being angry in the morning.

"Why the frickle frackle are you in my house?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Nice pajamas," he winks, glancing over my shorts and banana top.

"Answer my question."

"You don't remember?" He teases.

"Obviously not," I spit, gritting my teeth. Is he that stupid? If I'm asking why he's here I'm obviously unaware of the situation.

"Well..." He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Wait... We didn't..." I suddenly turn quiet. I wouldn't do that...

"Do what Lilly?"

"You know full well what I mean," I whisper yell, hitting his chest.

"No we didn't, I simply brought you home. I mean, you were up for it but I wouldn't take advantage of you. You think that badly of me?" He cocks his head to the side, putting a hand on his heart in a mocking way.

"Yes." I say blandly, he looks taken aback by my sudden answer.

"You should probably get dressed, I've already told your mum I'm taking you to school." He looks me up and down.

I stomp my foot, "no you're not. Elijah always takes me to school."

"Well not today. You may as well text him and tell him not to bother coming over because I'm taking you and that's that." His eyebrow raises, daring me to argue.

I sigh and storm upstairs. I haven't let him win the argument, oh no. I'm going to get him back later.

I brush my teeth again and check the weather from my window. It looks pretty hot meaning I'm going to be way too warm in jeans.

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