Sickness With You (BigBrother!Shun x Sister!Ill!Reader)

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Requested by: animes0702


"Shun please-"

"No (y/n), you're extremely sick. It's fine if I skip school for one day, it doesn't hurt." Shun insisted as he placed a icepack on (y/n)'s forehead.

(y/n) turned over to face away from him. The icepack fell onto the bed. She gripped onto her sheets and sighed. She was so hot but so cold, could it be a flu or is she just going crazy? Whatever it is, she just wanted to sleep. Shun didn't make a noise, he wanted (y/n) to reply to him. He was patience with his little sisters.

It's more of a pain to deal with Ruri at times, she could be demanding. (y/n) is not bad in that department. At least Shun gets to have time with (y/n), the female always wants to stay home. Ruri wants to go out 24/7. So this was nice, but yet again she is sick. Better than nothing, Shun shrugged and stayed silent.

(y/n) coughed and hacked, she turned back to Shun. Shun picked up the trash can so (y/n) could spit up all of the disgusting guck. She leaned over and coughed and spat stuff up. After she was done Shun grabbed a tissue and wiped her mouth. (y/n) pulled away and groaned. Shun threw the tissue in the trash.

"I'm not dying, and I'm not a baby." (y/n) pouted with her face heating up.

"Well you're sick, I want to help you." Shun spoke back.

(y/n) sighed and mumbled. Shun didn't bother to ask her what she said. (y/n) looked very tired, her eyes closed. She drifted into sleep. Shun patted her head lightly and got up to leave her room. He left the door half open, he stretched and went into the kitchen. He sighed and looked around, it's best to make some lunch for (y/n). Best to have it ready before she wakes up, right?


(y/n) woke up, she moved around and looked for her phone. She then picked it up and held it infront of her face. (y/n) turned it on to check the time, 12:59 it read. (y/n) yawned and wiggled in her place. Shun carefully opened the door, he had soup resting on a tray. (y/n) sat up and rubbed her eyes. Shun walked over and placed the tray on her lap.

"Thank you..." She mumbled.

"You don't have to eat it." Shun replied back.

"I want to, my throat feels strange." (y/n) slurped some of the noodles.

Shun leaned back in the chair. She may be stubborn, but she's understandable.

Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V x Reader (FAMILY ONE SHOTS) (BOOK: 2) (ENDED)Where stories live. Discover now