Chapter 1

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It was a late afternoon in Konoha. A small boy with bright blue eyes currently was running away from his childish frowned upon actions. He giggled and smiled confidently at his own genius. Boruto Uzumaki was the son of a very famous Hinata Hyuga. He had two whiskers on the sides of his cheeks with a set of sapphire pools and blond hair that no one would miss.

He was a troublemaker but had a huge heart and an immense love for her mother. He would do anything to make his mother happy. However, Hinata seeing her son alone would always make her smile, for Boruto was the reason it kept her going, much like any mother would for their own child.

Boruto looked outside both ways and sighed seeing that the guards finally stopped chasing him. He turned around and saw a well hidden door within the walls. His curious childlike self couldn't pass it up. And so, he opened the door to find masses of bookshelfs filled with papers and books. His eyes lit up with the amount of books this room held. He walked slowly in amazement until the froze watching the room light up. He felt a pressure plate on the ground sink and found the torches within the dark room light up the entire archives. Konoha's archives…

He couldn't believe the height of the shelves, almost as if they were giant skyscrapers he found in picture books. Then his eyes darted into the darker part of the room, he found what looked like a pile that fell down from the shelves. He could see books and papers scattered around the floor of the dark side of the room.

He walked towards the darkness and picked up the first paper and turned it around.

“Thieves Landing?” Boruto whispered furrowing his brows.

Then the next set of words, or rather name brought a shiver down his small body. The name, the meaning behind it.

“Akuma...The Master Thief…”

“So you've found it ?” said a voice that made him drop the papers all together.

“W-Who's there ?!” shouted the startled blond looking towards the silhouette.

“The Unsung Hero...Would you like to know ?”


It's been six years since the end of the week long war. Konoha Kingdom reignited their terrifying reputation across all nations. Alliances were formed, trade routes grew with hefty profits. However, Minato Uzumaki was still Hokage. Minato wasn't the same after that day. He fell into a hidden depression that only his wife, Kushina, would see behind closed doors. He was a wreck and mourned every night for months for the immense regret that clouded his very life. From that day on, he lived every single day with pure sadness and self disgust. Until he learned that Hinata revealed the secret about their grandchild. Life sprung back into the Hokage as the news gave him some sort of motivation to smile for the bright future ahead. He would make sure his grandchild would never experience the feeling of loneliness.

Kushina Uzumaki, Mother of Naruto Uzumaki. Like any mother, she mourned over her only son for months, the tears were endless for the scarlet headed woman. She would cry his name out every night in hopes for him to answer back. She would go to his grave constantly and tend to the flowers, making sure they never wilted in his empty grave. His body was never found. She could still remember the outrage her husband had when he learned about the news. Toneri was simply following orders and it wasn't a matter of argument. Minato himself also reasoned with it. The letter just didn't get in time…so she  kept living the days with remorse and guilt of a bad mother. A dark cloud forever hovering over her. Until, Hinata shared the secret with her. That she would become a grandmother along with Minato. The fire within her reignited, for the first time in months, she smiled and cried with joy with the heiress, and officially named Hinata her daughter. Knowing that a part of her son resided within the heiress, she  determined herself to be the most supportive person to this young woman. And so, she would assist Hinata with any needs until she successfully delivered her child.

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