Chapter 12

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I slacked so hard, enjoy.

"Shall we begin?"

I could hear them walking around me, like vultures waiting to feast, Stalking me till I break. I hang my head down closing my eyes, waiting for the cold kisses that would mutilate my body. I could hear my shackles tremble that suspended my hands over me. Am I trembling? I thought to myself.

Suddenly I felt that pain of the sharpest slap hit my chest making me grit my teeth in pain. I open my eyes to see the damage done and could see the claw-like cuts. I pick my head up to see what I was up against to see the executioner hold his tool. A tool of laceration, a whip that held spikes. Fuck.

He brought his hand back and once again whipped my chest, I could feel the small spikes protruding inside my flesh, latching onto it like a book only to be ripped away so violently. The blood that now profusely jetted out. My blood. I fist my hands, buying my lips to suppress my scream. Once again he brought his hand back and whipped me over and over. The pain was something of another world. The sounds of gasps and cries could be heard, I won't break and beg.

"Hooh? We got a tough one boys" said the executioner with a tough voice, he grabbed his hand and forced my head to look at him. I couldn't see his eyes, the sack completely hid him, then he brought his fist back and socked me square in the face, he picked my head up again only to meet his knee. I began spitting out the blood trapped in my mouth along with a pair of teeth earning myself a laugh from the three. I vision began distorting, my eye began swelling up.

The executioner once again grabbed forced my face to look towards his pulling my hair roughly, "Know this, I will make you scream and beg by the end of this..." and once again punched me across the face.

I began chuckling softly, a smirk plastered on my face pissing off the three that stared at me. I could almost feel the look the gave me.

"Grab the knife, I'm cutting off his tongue!" shouted one of the executioners began rushing for the knife.

"I'll do it," said the second one making the first one grunt in annoyance. He walked up to me closely and met to my eye level.

"Sorry about this," he whispered, he punched me across the jaw and grabbed my face. He then grabbed his knife and stuck it inside my mouth roughly as I desperately tried to fight it back. I could feel the cold iron taste in my mouth, the rough cuts I could feel. I screamed for the first time, the muffled shouts as the knife continued its work in my mouth until he roughly pulled it out. I pant furiously to catch my breath to see the amount of blood falling from my mouth, I could see his knife from the corner of my eye, full with blood. He then again pinned my head towards the post forcing the knife in my mouth again.

No, No!


The crowd stared in horror, how bad they were cutting down this man, Sara shook in anger, she wanted to jump over the stands and butcher those men. Hearing Naruto's muffled screams as the guy forced his knife inside. It was too much for her.

"I'm going there right now!" shouted Sara pushing past people only to be dragged back by a certain blond.

"Sara, please, this isn't easy for me and your mother," said Minato, he looked towards the spectacle and watched how he was beaten, it hurt him so much to see his son like this.


"P-Please stop!" shouted Hinata through the crowd, she ran towards Naruto was ultimately stopped by her friends.

Naruto lifted his head to see the indigo haired beauty, his sapphire eyes meeting her crying lavender pale ones. Despite the pain and agony, he gave her his soft smile.

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