Chapter 7

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It was a cold night in the House of Wraiths, for this land was located at the border of the fire country along with the land of wind. A cold night like this was a normal night, however, tonight the winds have turned their tide. It grew harsh as if a storm was over the horizon. The gladiators, whores and servants alike all shifted in their sleep, the cold winds trapping them, suffocating them from their warmth.

There stood Naruto, walking the barracks ever so silently, watching the bodies that were in their deep slumber. The blond man's hair hung low over his eyes, the winds ever exposing his dark sapphire orbs. His hands clutching the stone-made blade. He witnessed these men do horrible things. The beatings the woman took. How they were raped and toss aside, forgotten. Like me.

He would put them in a dream, a dream they will never wake up from.


The blood fell slowly, dripping from his arm that hung out of bed. The gurgles of suffocation filled the room, but the winds were stronger, the gust masked his death. Then he saw his fearing brown eyes. He stared into Naruto's emotionless ones, almost as if he was staring into the eyes of a corpse. Naruto smirked lightly, guess you're not dying in your dreams.

Naruto continued, slicing and watching every man in the barracks bleed out before him, he watched the puddles of blood forming right before him, images of the night of Thieves Landing flashed through his head. The people, the woman, and children that died before him. The pungent metallic smell, he could taste it, like a rusty spoon in his mouth making his throat go dry. The pools of crimson blood reflecting the night's sky, the blood red moon that reflected, and he could see himself, lost in his eyes.


Naruto shook his head from such thoughts, he didn't think he would live a life without ever thinking back. The past haunts him after all, a punishment for a monster like himself.

He turned on his heels and walked away from the barracks that contained every well-trained soldier and gladiator, he could see the torches of patrolling night guards, how clumsily they walked. They begged for sleep and Naruto would grant their wish. Naruto waited at the dark corner of the wall waiting for the pair to pass by. He could he complaining grunts and small chuckles as the clanking armor sound began to get louder. The sound of sandals stepping on sand.

"Haha, You wh-!" and the man dropped in an instant, his comrade watched in horror and stared at their attacker. His dark blue eyes hovering over his onyx ones.



Naruto then stepped on the torch diminish the flames into the sand, he crouched down looting the corpse to find a proper dagger, that was all he needed, he continued his trek towards the main house, where the servants slept, but mostly, it was were Oscar slept.


Naruto was now in front of the villa-like structure, he stared at the structure from bottom to top, he brought his dagger close to his mouth and bit the metallic handle, I pressed his palms onto the chipping wall paint and began to scale. He grabbed onto every deformation of the structure, ascending towards the top, finally, he reached the balcony and hoisted himself up. Naruto turned around and watched the night's sky as the moonlight hovered right over him. The wind passing right through him, waving his blond locks.

He always liked the night's sky, the endless stars in the sky. How they were all connected. A beauty of this world, the bright moon shining over the earth. So full, his heart pumped, never has he seen the moon so full.

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