Book 2 Chapter 6

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Very long chappy for compensation. Enjoy.

How she hated life right now. Pinching the bridge of her nose while letting out the heaviest breath of today summed it all up. She remained rooted to the ground right before two very large familiar doors. The guards on duty couldn't help but raise a brow at their Hokages odd behavior. But these men weren't allowed to as much whisper a word while the council was in session.

Yes, the council was right behind those doors. The dreaded council. How she hated those old wise geezers with the exception of a few.

However, she knew with the bombshell she was about to drop that the exceptional side would break.

"Here we go," mustering the courage, the red-headed Hokage sucked in her breath and slammed both doors open silencing every little chit-chat in the room. Many stoic filled questioning eyes all gazed at the newcomer. They watched as she walked across the long table until she reached her designated seat in the middle. Many familiar faces nodded towards her directions while others just simply closed their eyes.

"Ehem!" Sara cleared her voice before standing from her seat alerting the members. The large doors were slowly creaking to a close and the silence of the all too suffocating room returned.

"I've brought you all here today for some unfortunate news,"

"How unfortunate?" asked the new head of the Inuzuka.

"War, unfortunate..."

Simultaneously the entire room roared with a "WHAT!?"

Many usual stoic and reserved faces exploded with pure shock. Going from the all mighty unfazed Hiashi to even the emotionless Itachi. They too had faces that would prove they're human.

Sara would've normally cried of laughter and hire an immediate painter to capture the faces of horror. But this matter was no such joke.

"Himawari Uzumaki was taken earlier this week by an unknown group, sources say they were headed towards the Hidden Cloud border. Now here is the problem, Hinata Hyuga has gone in pursuit despite my warnings. She will cross the border," Sara finished with a heavy gulp. She looked across the table and read each one of their faces.

"What is the current situation?" asked Hiashi the concerned father.

"Not clear at the moment, I'm still waiting for my sources to get back with Intel. However, I too sent Naruto Uzumaki on this mission," said Sara.

The room erupted with mumbles across its members remembering all too well who this man was.

"Now, it's been several days since this last happened. We won't know what will happen, therefore, should we warn the citizens and evacuate them. Or should we keep this down low?"

Sara gray piercing eyes scanned each and everyone's expression. Each looking at the one next to each other giving themselves silent nods. After minutes of whispers and mumbles, all members collected their thoughts and sat straight and patient.

"I say we warn the people right away! We can't hope and play hero. This is a serious matter!" shouted a man with goggles known as Koharu.

"Agreed, we must begin evacuation, we can't trust that he will complete his task" concurred his counterpart with equal ferocity.

"Warning the people now would cause panic and distrust!" fired the elder Senju woman known to be the best medic of her generation.

"Tsunade-sama is right, I vote to wait and trust Naruto's-sama's decisions," said Hana slamming her hand on her desk.

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