Chapter 2

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** Note: this will be the last of the very dramatic scenes in the beginning of the story. i just had to let you guys know how she ends things with the people she use to be close to in her old life. **

that is all. ENJOY MUNCHKINS!



I woke up the next morning to a soft knock on my door. I faked that I was still sleeping to try and avoid getting up because, truthfully, I still wasn’t quite ready to face what use to be my family just yet. I had actually woken up a few hours ago, but was just lying there trying to work up the courage to get up and face the world. I certainly didn’t want to. 

I felt a soft warm hand lay on my bare shoulder and gently shake it in an effort to wake me softly. “Violet, honey, there are some people here that want to see you.” said a voice that I recognised to be my mother whose name I found was Linda.

Shit. No, I wasn’t even ready to face my family yet, let alone others I use to know that wanted to see me. I could already feel my chest tightening at the thought seeing the pain in their eyes when I tell them that I don’t know them. I'm a horrible person. I slowly turned over to face her and open my eyes to look at her. She was just staring at me, sadness and hurt still evident in her eyes from yesterday’s events. Who could blame her though? Her daughter of almost 17 years was telling her that she can’t remember ever meeting her before yesterday!

“Thank you Linda. I’ll come down in a second just give me a minute to change.” I said while moving into a sitting position offering a polite smile. I called all my family by their first names because it felt to imitate to call them mum and dad considering I don’t really know them yet. She nodded once and walked out of my room, closing the door behind her. I slid my legs over the side of the bed, took a deep breath, and got up. Well, no going back now... I thought to myself while making my way over to my wardrobe which was directly across from my bed. I slid the door open and selected a casual baggy t-shirt and some denim short shorts to wear for the day. They were incredibly comfortable actually, which I found quite surprising. It must just be thinking that because I'm use to wearing that horrible hospital dress that Linda must have taken from my room already this morning.

I ran a brush through my long brown hair trying not to tear too much hair out from all the knots as well as trying to avoid any sore spots. It was fairly easy to manage, and was almost all straight except for a few waves that gave it a nice natural look. I looked up at the nicely healing cut on my upper left forehead that was guaranteed to leave a scar. I liked having it there because it was the only thing that made me feel like a different person to the old Violet. I put a part down the middle, found some nice smelling spray on deodorant to wear, and finally made my way out of my room.

I walked slowly down the stairs trying hard to listen and see if I could pick up pieces of  their conversation or even if the people that came to see me were boys or girls. I couldn’t pick up the conversation exactly but it sounded like there were boys and girls here whose voice I couldn’t recognise.   I stood at the bottom of the stairs, gave myself ten second to prepare, before walking to the right and into the living room where everyone was seated. All conversation stopped as soon as they noticed me. I took the time to carefully take in all the new people that were sitting there in case I remembered any of them.

There were two girls and one boy seated on one of the white couches together, the two girls were holding hands very tightly. Linda, George, and Simon were all there as well. The first of the girls had beautiful middle length light brown curly hair which was tied back into a cute bun. She had beautiful blue eyes and one cute little freckle on her nose.  She was definitely a skinny little thing and by the looks of it has a great sense of fashion as well. She was also wearing a gold necklace with a pretty little butterfly hanging off it. The second girl also had brown hair, but not as curly. It still was fairly curly though and was a darker colour then the first girl. It suited her amazingly. She had the most stunning green eyes I had ever seen and had a cute splash of freckles over both her cheeks. She was wearing a cute dress with light coloured flowers on it and had her phone clenched in the hand that wasn’t being squeezed tightly by the first girl. Both girls were amazingly beautiful, and I felt unbelievably plain next to them. Like a rock next to a rose or something to that affect.

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