Chapter 5

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I was quickly figuring out that it’s going to take a while to get use to getting up this early for school every day, excluding weekends of course. I dragged myself out of Sara’s car and muttered a quick goodbye before heading into school for the second day. Only three days to go after this one until the weekend, and sleep! I didn’t really feel like going inside and getting lost just yet, so I decided that I would take a stroll around the outside area of the school. It was a beautiful morning once I took the time to actually notice. The grass was still damp with dew giving it a nice shine. The air was still cool and the sun wasn’t too hot yet. I swear the only thing missing was the singing birds to make this whole scene more cliché.

Making my way around the back of the buildings, I saw the basketball courts come into view. I didn’t really pay much attention to them at first, but when my eyes gazed over them a second time I noticed that there was actually someone on one of them.  As I got closer I recognised the shaggy brown haired boy that was practicing on one of them, Matt. As if he sensed me looking at him he turned around facing me. He looked confused for a second, before a goofy grin spread over his face. I have to say, he did look pretty adorable when he smiled like that.

“Violet, hey.” He shouted as he jogged across the short distance between us.

“Hey Matt.” I said with a polite smile. He had a different attitude today than he did yesterday when I talked to him. He seemed way happier today. I definitely liked happy Matt better, he was like a cute puppy.

“What are you doing here so early?” we both said in unison, chuckling after we realised what had happened.

“You go first.” He insisted.

“Okay, my ride has to drop me off early so that she can still get to her job on time. I would walk but I'm still trying to memorise the way here. Your turn.” I said with a bright smile.

“I like to come down early some mornings and practice my shooting for a while before school. It clears my head.” Well no wonder you have all those lovely muscles, I thought to myself.

“Well go on then, show me.” I insisted while shooing him back over to the court he has been on.

“If you insist, but be prepared to witness some amazing skills!” he said jokingly as we both headed over onto the court. He was standing about three meters away from the hoop when he shot the ball expertly. It went straight in, no backboard or anything.

“Please, don’t look so surprised.” He joked with me as I stood there probably looking like a stunned mullet.

“Sorry, sorry, I was just... I bet it’s not even that hard.” I countered regaining my composure. I surprised myself again with the sudden burst of attitude I had.

“Well you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?” he asked while holding his ball out indicating for me to take it. Oh no. I had never played basketball before, so what made me say that?! Well not that I can remember... Now I was just going to embarrass myself. I attempted to make myself look confident as I plucked the ball out of his hand. I stood there just looking down at the ball I had taken from him in my hands, trying to remember what Matt did before he shot. I tried to re-create what he did, so I crouched down holding the ball prominently in my left hand (that's right, I'm left handed. Apparently that's not very common) and then pushed the ball up using my legs as added strength to get the ball to the hoop finishing by flicking my wrist forward.

It went in.

IT WENT IN! That means I didn’t embarrass myself! I almost squealed in delight. I tried to hide my excitement as I turned back around to Matt who was staring at to hoop probably looking somewhat like what I did after he shot.

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