Chapter 3

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A/N chapter three and four were originally suppose to joined as one but i thought that it would have been to long, so i have uploaded them as separate chapters!




The next two weeks flew by. I went and talked to Linda about how I didn’t feel comfortable staying here anymore. I mean, I had tried so hard to try and make this work staying were I was but it just didn’t feel right. She, of course, started crying. She didn’t want me to go. Simon then came in to my rescue and had a talk with her. He explained everything to her better than I think I ever could have, and let her know that he understood why I wanted to leave. She was still reluctant to let me go, but after she and George had a discussion together, they gave in. They both just want me to be happy, they said. And if that meant me leaving, then they agreed they were willing to work something out.

The weeks to come after that had been decided were spent making arrangements for me. They thought that it would be better that I moved and got settled in before school started back again, which wasn’t too long away now. So today was the day that I finally got to start my new life. I had my stuff all packed up and ready. I didn’t take a lot of things accept some clothes that I would need before I could get new ones of my own. It would have felt like I was taking someone else’s things if I took them, they really weren’t mine.

And so that's how I got here, thinking back about the past weeks as I sat on the bus waiting to arrive to my new family. My brand new life. I know I probably should be all sad and that, I was so excited! I finally get to start the one thing I had been wanting to since I woke up, my life! I was headed to a town of the same size as my old one, which was actually fairly big. It was a four hour drive away.

I was going to be staying with some family friends of my biological family had, their names were Mark and Sara McMillan and they were more than willing to take me on and let me live with them. I had seen pictures of them both, Sara was 26 and a petite blond girl with short straight hair and blue eyes while Mark was 27 and looked quite built with short black hair. They sort of looked like the cliché cheerleader and jock couple 10 years after school finished, which I found quite amusing. I’d have to ask them how they met...

This morning was quite emotional. When it finally came to me getting on the bus to leave, there were a lot of tears from Linda. George even shed a few, which was surprising because it was the first time I’d seen him cry. I remember the last thing he said to me before I left was “Goodbye Princess, Love you forever and always.” That was the thing that brought me to tears again for the billionth time that week, along with saying goodbye to Simon who had been the person I could always rely on for the last two weeks. I really was going to miss Simon, but we promised that we would say in contact which was an upside to everything. I finally felt like I could be a new person now.

I felt the bus jerk to a stop and realised that I had arrived. I quickly gathered my carry bag and overhead luggage before hopping off and collecting my middle size suitcase that had most of my other things in it. I started looking around for Sara who I was told was picking me up and taking me back to their house, my new home. I spotted her almost immediately with bright smile to welcome me. She came rushing over and enveloped me into a warm hug greeting me very enthusiastically. She helped me with my luggage over to her quaint little red Toyota Yaris. We put my bags into her car then got in and started our trip back to her house.

“Thank you so much for this, really! It means so much to me.” I let her know with a bright smile.

“Oh, don’t thank me! It’s a pleasure to have you here! I couldn’t imagine what it’s been like for you over the past week. If you ever need to talk, I’ll always be willing to listen.”

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