Chapter 6

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A/N just quickly, the photo to the right is of Will ! if that's not how you imagine him, than ignore it but i just thought i'd share it. (:




Well, looks like I wasn’t going to sport then. I walked beside Will as he led us through the school and out the front doors. I couldn’t help but be a little on edge, always on the lookout for teaches. I had just about made up every excuse in the book for reasons why we weren’t in class if we did get caught, one of them being that William was trying to kidnap me. That would probably be a last resort though. We walked down the stairs from the entrance and over to the student parking lot.  I kept looking back over my shoulder checking that no one was watching, still paranoid about being caught skipping on the second day back. I was so busy looking for anyone watching us that I didn’t notice that we had reached our destination.

“We’re not going to get caught, so you can quit worrying.” Will said while taking a set of keys out of his pocket. I whipped my head around to glare at him before looking at the car that the keys belonged to. It was a silver Audi R8. Don’t mistake me for a being a big fan of cars because I know what it is, I just read it off the back of the car. But it looked very expensive.

“Once your finished eye raping my car, I’d like to get going thanks.” Will gloated while sliding into the driver’s seat.

“Shut up, William.” I snapped as I hopped into the passenger seat fixing him with a glare with which he just chuckled in response. He didn’t even get angry that I had called him William! That or he just didn’t notice that I had.

“So where are we going?” I asked as he started the car with a soft purr. He didn’t reply until he pulled out onto the road.

“Put your seatbelt on. Trust me, you’ll need it.” he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes, not bothering to reply to my actual question. I didn’t fully understand why he had said that; until we got out onto the road.

“Will, slow down! Are you trying to kill us or something?!” I screeched as he floored it, going well above the speed limit. He's just lucky that there were no other cars other road. I grabbed onto anything I could, as I felt fear rising in my chest. My heart was hammering in my ears and my throat was closing up.

“I'm a great driver, you have nothing to worry about.” He said cockily before turning to face me. I don’t know where this fear was coming from, but it was horrible. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Will’s face turned to a frown when he saw the way I was looking at him.

“Will, stop the car. Please...” I managed to whisper out. Finally catching on that I wasn’t joking around, he slowed the car down and pulled over to the side of the road. As soon as we stopped I got out and took three deep breaths to calm myself down. Though I couldn’t remember the accident I’d been in, I had a feeling that that’s why I was feeling so terrified in there.

I closed my eyes and all at once, thoughts clouded my mind. I had the familiar sense if flying through the air before my head started pounding. I could hear myself let out a strangled cry of pain before my eyes jolted back open. I was lying on the grass beside the car and I could see Will crouching down beside me with a worried expression etched onto his face. His hands were on my shoulders, but stoped shaking them immediately after he realised I was awake again. My head was aching like it had been the day I first woke up, and I felt sick to my stomach. It was a memory from the crash. I don't know how I knew, but I just did. It didn’t feel like it was me in the car though, more like I was looking at it through someone else’s eyes.

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