Chapter 10

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You know how people say that they hate Mondays? Well I do as well. After having two days of sleeping in it really was a rude awakening to have to get up early again. For the rest of the day yesterday I couldn’t stop wondering what had got Will so worked up about his parents. Not even when I called Alice to explain everything to her. I still had thousands of questions clouding my thoughts.

Alice was completely freaked out about me when she found out that I had disappeared. She gave me a hounding for it as well, telling me that if I ever did something like that to her again that she was going to rip my eye balls out. And I only told her that I had caught a cab home, who knows what she would have said if I’d told her what really happened. She did forgive me though, eventually. I felt bad for making her worry so much, but everything turned out fine in the end so no harm done right?


Will had been ignoring me for the whole morning, and it was starting to really get on my nerves. Too could play at this game though. Instead of giving him the pleasure of knowing that I cared whether we talked or not, I gave him the cold shoulder like he was doing to me. I’m not sure if it’s because I brought up his parents yesterday or what but I didn't really care. I had bigger fish to fry at the moment.

There was still a cretin fish that I was yet to talk to since the party and that I hadn’t already seen this morning. Matt. As I was throwing my heavy books from first and second period back into my crammed locker I was reminded if that very fact.

“So, would mind explaining to me where you ran off to the other night?” I heard Matt ask while whacking his hand onto the locker next to mine scaring the living daylights out of me.

My eyes snapped up to meet with his and I put a hand to me chest to try and calm my rapidly beating heart. I have to say, I could see why there were girls chasing after him. His eyes were just gorgeous, like something that you could stare at for hours on end. He would have looked a lot better with a smile on his face though.

“Matt, you scared the hell out of me!” I scolded him, avoiding his question.

Somehow I don't think that telling him that I went home with William that night was going to impress him very much. Honestly, he’d probably be more worried then he already was. Wishing that he would stop frowning at me, I lifted my hand and pushed up one side of the mouth with my finger, smiling brightly along with it. He grabbed my hand gently pulling it away from his face without continuing the smile I had put on him.

I scared you? Good, now were even.” He replied flatly.

“Look, I’m sorry alright? But I wasn’t feeling well and I didn't want to ruin anyone’s night. I’m fine now, so no need to keep dwelling on the past when the futures right on our doorstep.” I replied insightfully, trying to lighten to mood a little. He cracked a small grin at what I’d said before pressing on with his interrogation.

“While your right about that, I still want to know where you went.”

“I caught a taxi back to my house, nothing major.” I said, using the same story I had told Alice, Serena, Hayley and Oliver.

“Didn't you maybe possibly think to let anyone know that you were leaving?”

“My phone was dead!” I started to explain, wanting him to stop worrying. “Plus I don’t have your number so I couldn’t have let you know anyway.”

Though I felt guilty for making him worry, it felt good knowing that he cared about me. He was someone that I could trust here. Looking down, he grabbed my phone out of my hand, sliding it up with a snap before continuing to fiddle around with it. The keys made little dinging sounds every time he pressed one of them and after a short moment, he handed it back to me. His usual smile was back plastered across his cute face which I was thankful for.

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