Chapter 7

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A/N so i was going to make this chaper longer than it is, but then it would go for eleven pages or something so i cut it off here. (: anyway, ill be uploading the following chapter soon so don't stress!




Sometimes, wonder whether people would have been happier if I had died in the car accident. I imagine weather they would have been better off knowing that I had died a happy person, instead of waking up and breaking their hearts by not remembering them. For them it’s probably like I did die, but they still have to see me walking around like everything’s perfectly fine. Life’s funny like that. Ever since seeing the Noah lookalike in the park that day after school, I can’t help but keep thinking these things over and over again. The guilt is starting to catch up with me for moving away from them. I mean, I didn’t even really give them much of a chance…

I put on a brave face around people though. Even if I did make the decision too soon, I was going to make the best out of it. No point in dwelling on the past when there’s nothing you can do to change it right? You’ve just got to move forward with your life. So that's what I was doing.

I had gone shopping with Alice, Hayley, and Serena on Thursday after school and brought a cute black cocktail dress with some sexy heels to match for Matt’s party on Saturday. Today.  The rest of the week had gone by without a drama. No more skipping class with Will (on the one other day he came) and I met up with Matt another two times in the mornings to play basketball with him for a while which was always fun. Matt and I were actually becoming really good friends, and he was even making an effort to be friends with Alice and everyone too. Of course they were happy with that.

I heard a car horn beep from outside the house letting me know that Serena was here to pick me up. We had all decided to go over to Alice’s house to get ready and were going to crash there after the party. Sara was ecstatic that I had made friends so quickly so I had no problem with convincing her to let me stay over Alice’s house. I grabbed my prepacked bag, slipped some shoes on, and ran down the stairs and out the door shouting a quick goodbye to Sara and Mark on the way.

We drove five minutes to Alice’s house and were welcomed in by her and lead up to her room. Hayley was already there and putting on some light foundation.  I checked the time and noted that we had two and a half hours to get ready before we had to leave. When Hayley noticed us enter she greeted us excitedly before going back to her makeup. Serena went to have a quick shower while Alice, Hayley and I sat around talking about the party. They explained to me some of the people that were likely to be going, William being one of them.

“Don’t worry though, we’ll introduce you to everyone we know.” Alice assured me.

Once Serena returned we all started getting ready. We started with putting our makeup on but just as I had finished applying the little amount of foundation I was wearing, Hayley demanded I stop and told me that she would handle it form here. She already had her makeup and hair done to perfection.

I didn’t try to stop her as she took me over to Alice’s bed and sat me down with an array of makeup spread out beside me. I opened and closed my eyes at her command while she applied every sort of eye makeup possible to own on me. Once she had finished and was happy with her creation I went to go over and look in the mirror, but she grabbed my arm pulling me back.

“You can’t look at it yet!” She hissed at me. “You have to be dressed and have your hair done before you even think about that. It’ll ruin the surprise!”

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