Chapter 8: Fear and Courage

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Screams filled the chamber as Kylo Ren writhed in agony on the floor. "Master...please."

"I grow so weary of your weakness, Kylo Ren," he said in a dry tone as he reined more force lightning onto his shrieking subordinate.

Ren had tried to tell Snoke how she had been fully trained, but he had refused to believe him. He had only just barely managed to limp his way out of the reclamation facility before the resistance had blown it up. Captain Phasma had narrowly managed to get a transport shuttle past all the resistance pilots, and they had lost over half their tie fighter escorts getting back out again.

"There is no such thing as balance! She has deceived you. She was only strong because she has tasted the power of the darkside – and you failed to bring her to me!" he shouted down to Ren, this time assailing his mind with a pain even worse than what he had inflicted on his body.

Finally when he couldn't scream anymore, Snoke withdrew his power. He rolled over and vomited blood onto the chamber floor. He had burst a blood vessel in one eye and his nose was bleeding.

"If she cannot be brought in alive, then she must be eliminated. Perhaps the other Knights of Ren would prove more useful to me?"

"Master..." he pleaded, struggling to at least get back onto his knees. "She is so close to the darkness. I felt her hatred. Skywalker must have filled her head with lies about balance to keep from losing her, as he lost me. I beg you; just one more chance."

"One more chance. Only one. If she cannot be turned to the darkness she must be destroyed. If you fail me...I will make you pray for death before I am through with you."

"Yes, master," he said as he put his helmet back on and limped out of Snoke's chamber.

The medics were never happy to see him, and today was no exception, but at least this time he seemed to tolerate them better as they placed a bacta pack on his injured leg. A medical droid stitched his lip. He waved it away before it could finish cleaning the rest of his wounds. "Leave," he commanded.

When he was finally alone he allowed himself to think about her, about what she had said.

I. Am. Grey.

"What did she mean? There is no other way. There couldn't be. It's not possible!" he pondered, as he remembered the furious hatred he had felt from her. He had never seen anything so strong and beautiful in his life.

Maybe someday you will meet me in the Grey

He cursed himself. Cursed himself for being weak, for wanting so desperately to believe her lies. It was a deception, more temptation from the light that still burned inside her, and he couldn't deny that he was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. He began to feel resentment and anger. She would tear him apart if he did not get her under his control. He had fought too hard, for too long, to earn his rightful place in the darkness, to let anyone jeopardize that. Her temptations were already costing him the favor of his master. The one who had saved him. The one who had guided him, shown him the way. He was being ungrateful for all that he had been given, and it was all her fault. If there was one thing Kylo Ren hated, it was losing control.

He closed his eyes, and allowed himself to sleep.


After the Battle of Jakku Canyon, as it came to be known, the resistance forces made for Takodana, where their new temporary base was being set up.

The entire base came rushing out to congratulate the pilots on their victory. Rey was instantly overwhelmed as a rush of people came to pat her on the back and raise her onto their shoulders, as they did most of the pilots. Eventually they set her down, shaken and embarrassed at all the attention. She was so relieved when the general approached her and gave her one of her warm calming hugs.

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