Chapter 11: The Snare

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The campfire was reduced to smoldering embers. A glow on the horizon announced the coming of dawn. The light that could steal all his joy away. The end of a dream.

He held her warm body closely, breathing in the scent of her hair; they were wrapped snugly in both their cloaks. He could feel her heart beating next to his, still the same rhythm. But he was still Kylo Ren, now a man with nowhere to go. He could not return to the resistance, his crimes were too many, too heinous. He could not return to Snoke, the deceiver. And, most of all, he knew he could not let her go.

She awoke to find him staring into her eyes, and she instantly felt the pain and fear in his heart. "Snoke will kill you if he knew," she said referring to all that had just transpired between them.

"Killing from him would be mercy; he would make me pray for death first. You've felt what he can do," he said as he gently brushed his thumb along her jaw. "You belong with me now. Leave with me, let's run away. To hell with this war, with this whole damn galaxy. We need to leave, now, quickly," he said jumping up and beginning to pull on his clothes.

"No," she said, sitting up and wrapping his cloak around her to help compensate for the sudden loss of his warmth.

Then he looked at her as one stricken. "Rey, you can't mean that! We belong together. The force meant for us to be together, you feel it too!"

She could feel the rise in his anger, worst of all, she could sense him feeling betrayed. "We do belong together, but running isn't the answer," she explained as she reached for her torn tunic, and pulling it back on against the morning chill.

"What? Do you want me to go back to the resistance? You above all people know what I have done!" he argued in furry as he laced up his boots and picked his cloak up off the ground.

"Yes, that's exactly what I want!" she nearly shouted as she pulled up her leggings, fastened her belt, and put her light saber holster back on.

"Rey, please," he said, reaching for her and taking her hands in his. "They will not understand. You are the only one who understands. There is no forgiveness for what I've done. I'm a dead man to the First Order and I'm a dead man to the resistance. I don't belong anywhere now. There is nowhere for me...all there is is you!"

"That's not true!" she countered, feeling her own anger rise, as she struggled to close her vest and pull on her cloak.

But before either one of them could say another word a ship roared overhead. She watched as his already pale face grew even paler. ", it can't be!" he yelled in anguish as suddenly he was peeling off his gloves again, examining them over. Next he tore loose his belt, and then he stopped and noticed an almost imperceptibly small button on the inside of the leather. Someone had planted a tracking device on him. Snoke knew he had been betrayed.

He tore loose the small device and chucked it into the trees. "We have to leave, now!" he said as he grabbed her arm and yanked her to follow him back into the forest.

"Stop, what is this? I can't!"

"Rey, listen to me, please. We have no time! We have to get to my command shuttle, there won't be room in your X-Wing for the both of us, and if they catch us they will kill you," he pleaded, his dark eyes begging. She could feel him pressing his fear and urgency into her mind through the bond.

Suddenly she felt them. Like dark wraiths materializing out of the shadows under the trees. The six Knights of Ren.

She had only seen them in images from Kylo Ren's memories, now they stood around them, regarding them through their death-like masks, circling them, trapping them in, their vibroweapons humming with menacing intent.

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