Chapter 32: Running with the Pack

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A note from your humble author: Well here it is folks, the last chapter!  


The First Order had surrendered after the loss of their Supreme Leader, and General Hux was tried and found guilty of war crimes. In exchange for information on the extended operation, other officers, and backers of the First Order, he was spared execution and instead banished to live out the rest of his days alone on Hoth, but most speculated it would be a short life due to the Wampa's that still inhabited the inhospitable ice planet.

All of the people who had been enslaved by the First Order had been freed and with the help of the resistance, returned to their rightful families and places of origin. The remaining First Order personnel and stormtroopers were also granted their freedom and were disbanded.

After the defeat of the First Order, and the death of her brother, Leia Organa relinquished both her duties as general and as a senator. Her body had been weakened from her injury but she was slowly recovering and beginning to walk again with the aid of a cane. After a lifetime of fighting for peace and freedom throughout the galaxy, and finally living to see the day of that peace, she was content to retire. She elected Finn to serve as her replacement in the New Republic senate.

Many of the resistance fighters chose to settle on Yavin 4 after the fall of the First Order due to both its historical significant and it's remote and peaceful location within the galaxy. Finn and Poe both made Yavin 4 their permanent home, where they could stay with Yibya who was still training to be a Grey Jedi. They were married within a month, at the first major celebration of the resistance's victory. Finn had managed a full recovery from his spinal injury, and much to Yibya's surprise, was no longer in need of a cane.

Leia and Chewbacca also chose to stay on Yavin 4, which would now be the home base of the new Grey Jedi Order, a choice that allowed them to remain close to their remaining family – Ben and Rey.

With great victory also came great sadness at the loss of the last Jedi; Luke Skywalker.

Leia and Chewie had cried together and R2D2 cooed mournfully at the news of the loss of his master.

"Oh, poor Master Luke," cried C3P0 who patted R2.

"I'll take care of you R2, I promise," offered Rey.

Rey and Ben both knew that Luke would remain with them through the force, but it was still a hard loss to accept.

Rey and Ben had already begun their new path as Grey Jedi Masters. With the defeat of the First Order and the elimination of the Knights of Ren, more and more force sensitives were beginning to seek out the Grey Jedi Masters that could be found on Yavin 4.

Yibya, Rando, and his mother Ashani were their first pupils, and they were relieved the day they received the call from Crom, that he would be escorting the Kenobi children to Yavin 4 after the passing of their mother.

"You miss race!" cried Crom as he greeted Ben upon landing on Yavin 4. His three pets followed him out of his ship; they were no longer wearing their slave outfits, but the clothes they had chosen to travel in where only somewhat less revealing, they were holding the hands of the children who looked nervous.

Ben greeted the Nikto with a friendly embrace and replied; "I heard you won, congratulations!"

"Now that race season over, I have time. You teach me some force, yes? Maybe I beat you next race."

Ben and Rey heartily agreed and greeted Higs and Heyna.

When their mother had succumbed to her weak heart, Crom and his girlfriends had stepped in to care for the children, and they had all made a surprisingly happy family. The children were cleaned up, wearing new clothes instead of the rags they had last been seen in, and looked well. Both Higs and Heyna adored the famous racing hero, and were being spoiled with all the attention doted upon them by his girlfriends, who now had something else to fawn over than just Crom.

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