Chapter 9: The Call

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She sat alone in the corner of the space that had been designated as the new mess hall, trying to avoid most people as she ate her breakfast. Apparently there had been a lot of gossip about her screaming fit the other day, and when she hadn't shown up for the evening celebration; people assumed that she had not been well. Occasionally people would approach her and ask her if she was feeling better, clearly curious, but not openly brave enough to ask her what had happened. She would smile politely and tell them she was fine, that she appreciated their concern but that there was nothing for them to worry about, and then they would move on.

She was just finishing her coffee when Finn timidly approached her.


"Hey Finn," she said, giving him her best welcoming smile. "I'm glad you're here. I've been wanting to talk to you. Can we go for a walk?"

"Sure, Rey."

She could feel him getting jealous again over the bond, but rather than retaliate she decided to put up a barrier.

Rey and Finn walked in silence out into a quiet and secluded patch of the forest where they found a ring of mossy boulders. "What happened yesterday, Rey?" he finally asked, not being able to handle the uncomfortable silence any longer.

She sighed and perched herself on one of the lower boulders. "Well, it has to do with the force. I don't know how much you know about it..."

"Not much," he quickly confessed.

She smiled. "Well, I thought about telling you, but I didn't want to worry you because there's really nothing that can be done about it you see."

She could both see and sense his confusion, so she was forced to break down and elaborate. "There's a very rare thing that can happen between two people who both have the force; it's called a force bond. It's when you can feel that other person's emotions, and sometimes their pain, almost all the time. It's like they live inside your head. Sometimes it can happen when two people are related, or between a padawan and their master, or if two people are in a very long and close relationship, but...mine's different."

She stopped suddenly and Finn watched as she seemed to internally struggle with something.

"Who...wait...that other person would have to have the force too right?"

She seemed to see the gears turning inside his head. He had seen her be rushed into a room with Luke Skywalker, Maz Kanata, and General Organa, and none of them had been screaming; it had only been her. Then she saw the horror of recognition creep across his face, and it was like a stab to her heart.

"Rey, is it him? Kylo Ren?"

Her eyes grew red with unshed tears; she inhaled sharply and tried to find her center of peace. "Yes. After he captured me...we sort of...ended up getting into each other's heads," she said trying to avoid more alarming words like 'interrogate.' "I've felt him ever since. And he can feel me too."

Finn suddenly grabbed Rey and nearly crushed her in his embrace. "Rey, why didn't you tell me? This is awful! I know I'm pretty useless about this force stuff, but you can tell me anything. Anything at all! You're my friend, Rey!"

She wrapped her arms around him and rested her chin on his shoulder. "Thank you."

He finally let go of her and took a step back, but kept one hand on her shoulder. She could remember when she didn't even like him holding her hand, but now she was so grateful that he was here. "He's been hurting you? That's what happened yesterday, wasn't it? Luke can't help you?"

"'s not quite like that. He wasn't trying to hurt me; Snoke was hurting him, and I couldn't help but feel it. It was the worst pain I've felt from him yet. Master Luke can't help me. The only way to sever a bond is if one of us dies, and, well, you can imagine how easy that's going to be."

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