Meeting 'them'

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Y/ns POV~

'Well today's my first day as the royal scientists assistant. I live in this house in Snowdin near Grillbys with my best friend Alphys. She wanted to be a scientist too, but Gaster fired her for being 'too shy'. Now she just hangs out with me and sometimes visits Undyne. No I get to be the assistant. Luckily, I'm not 'too shy'.' I dressed into a f/c T-shirt and a white lab coat and black slacks (I dunno, girl slacks I guess). I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and ran out of my room and downstairs.

"M-morning Y/n" Alphys was sitting at the table in her PJs, drinking a cup of chamomile tea.
(I have to)

(I have to)

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(so kawaii......I ship her with Undyne tho)

"Morning Alph" I made some f/b (fave breakfast) and eat quickly. It was now 7:03am. I had to be there by 7:30. Well all balls to the walls (Jackaboy refs) I'm gonna be late.I put on my shoes then I grabbed my lunch and ran out the door. "B-bye!" "BYE ALPH" I speed ran to the lab in Hotland, getting there by 7:34. I went into the elevator and into the true lab, checking in by 7:37.

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