Pass The Ramen (Sneak Peak)

400 14 6

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    "Pass the ramen."
    "Oh, of course" Alphys smiled shyly, going into the kitchen.
    Ever since I was fired, I haven't been the same. Nothing has.
    Alphys has my dream job.
    The guy I like is stuck in there.
    The girl I tried to help is there too.
    The two sweetest kids ever are there.
     The six souls-well, they're long gone.
     Alphys came back with my noodles, handing the cup to me. "Thanks Alph." I smiled weakly, Alphys nodding. "I-I gotta g-g-get to work, so bye. H-have a nice day."
     "I'M ABOUT TO HAVE A BORING DAY OFF FROM MY 'NEW' JOB, GET OUT HONEY." I yelled jokingly and Alphys laughed. "Y-yeah. It must suck sharing a j-j-job with B-Burgerpants." And she was gone.
    I looked back at the soap opera playing on the TV, then down and my stained, smelly clothes. I sighed, running a hand through my unbrushed hair. I was about to eat a forkful of noodle, but then there was a knock at the door. I groaned, getting up and setting my cup down.
    "Alphys did you leave your keys or something?" I said as I opened the door. I looked down and my eyes widened.
    Chara was standing there, Frisk by her side and a serious face. She had a baseball cap on and looked beyond pissed.
    "Pack your stuff, we're leaving nerd." She ordered, Frisk laughing. "You sound like Undyne honey." "Shut up, Frisk."


Since everyone has been begging for me to update-

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