Meeting 'Them' - Part 2 - Trust

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Author Chan was listening to 'Wolf In Sheep's Clothing' by Set it off. BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP, HAVE YOU ANY SOU-

Handplates Sans: Why are we here again?

Author Chan takes off the headphones. Well, someone wanted me to make a part two of the first chapter, so this will be something special. It'll be where Y/n is trying to earn Sans' trust.... Y'know kinda like a missing scene of a movie or something.

Handplates Sans: .... Okay

By the way readers, you don't have to read this part if it's confusing.

Sans POV~

I don't know why I'm trusting Y/n this early.... I barely have gotten to know her....she may be like Gaster.

~The day after everyone met~

When Y/n got here, she automatically came to me and Papy's room. Papy was still asleep and laying on my shoulder. "Hi" Y/n smiled and I gave her a dull one back.

She looked confused as to my attitude and I just shrugged in response. She sat next to me and asked me a few questions. Like for instance, "How are you feeling?", or "Is everything alright?", I answered honestly.

Soon Papy woke up and Y/n asked him the same stuff. After, they both talked for a while....until Gaster came and got Papyrus for something.

I looked over at Y/n and she was scribbling something down on her clipboard. I looked over her shoulder and it read 'I am pretending to write something'. "I'm bored." She looked over at me.

I thought for a moment and punched her in the shoulder..... She didn't even wince. She just sat there. "Ow?" She laughed quietly. Not at me though. I can tell from her tone.

"How come you aren't mad?...."

"Well for didn't hurt. And two..... Nothing. It just didn't hurt."


"But I can't help but ask, why'd you do that?"

"... I don't know"

"Well neither do I. Seems we have something in common Sans."

".......... Sure......" I sighed.

After a while of awkward silence, Gaster came back with Papy, claiming that Y/n had to go now.

"Welp. See ya." She waved and left.

"...... Bye.."

"BROTHER! DA-" Papy started but I quickly interuppted him. "Don't." "OH. RIGHT.....I meant.....GASTER TOLD ME THAT I HAD 20 HP!...WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?" He asked and I sighed, looking down. "Something bad..."

~Within the next week~

.... My trust for Y/n has.......easily grown and adapted....... She's nothing like Gaster at all, and if not even but Chara, trusts her, then I trust her fine.

Actually, two weeks before Y/n came, Me and Papy met Chara and Frisk. They're really nice. Last month I found me and Papy's real names on our birth certificates that Gaster's also when I found out that he was our dad......

Chara got theirs while on the surface and so did Frisk.... Now we call each other that.

... Anyways, I guess I can trust Y/n .... At least I hope I can.

Sorry that it's so short, also sorry that I didn't update for a long while. Hopefully that doesn't happen again, but please remember, gaining ideas is hard and I'm a human being too, I need breaks from time to time.

Handplates Sans: *Thumbs up*

See? This guy ain't mad. He's chill..... Part two was dedicated and requested by slylex99sister

......568 words......

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