Not a experiment

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I'm back from my time off, and I got plans! And big ones!

Handplates Sans: Enjoy!

BTW, I finally found a chance to watch Season 2. It finally came out, so expect some references to that. Not in this chapter though...


Eventually the royal family left, and then soon after, I had to as well. That's too bad. I really like it at the lab. I like Frisk, Chara, and Papyrus. And I really, really like Sans. But, I know I'm not supposed to make emotional ties with the patients... Not experiments.

Once I got home, I fell face down onto my bed and fell asleep.

~Time skip to morning ~

I woke up and quickly showered and dressed myself, running downstairs. "Hi alphys!" I said, sprinting to the table and grabbing my slice if toast she made me. She's so sweet! Undyne is a lucky woman. "Have a nice day, Y/N!" Alphys waved me off and I ran out the house.

I eventually got to the lab, and entered the elevator.

*Insert weird elevator music here*

Once the elevator door opened, I saw Gaster there there with his arms crossed. He did not look happy.

"Do you take this job as a joke, Y/N?" He asked me.

"No sir."

"Then how come all you have been doing was collaborating with the experiments and not getting a scent of work done?"

". . ."

"That's what I thought. At least Alphys got her job do- You know what, Ms. L/N?

"...Yes sir?"

"Tell Alphys to come in tomorrow if she wants her old job back."

I tensed. "W-wait, you don't mean-"

"Ms. L/N your work has been very unsatisfactory for the last month. You're fired."

I felt my eyes widen. "Say goodbye to the patients today, leave. Don't come back." I nodded, slowly walking past him. I checked Chara's door. She was speaking to Flowey...

I knocked lightly, looking down. "Come in!" Flowey yelled. I entered, looking up and sitting besides Chara. "Yes?" She looked up, eyes shining.

"I...have to tell you something." I said, looking at the door. Chara noticed this and put Flowey down. "What's wrong." Chara crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at me. Ah, she could already see me expression.

"I was... I was... fired. By Gaster." I admitted. Chara shook her head 'no.'

Her expression changed almost immediately. She was staring at me like I had three heads.

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