I promise

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Hi everyone.

WDG S: Hello.

I'm just gonna start the story.

WDG S: Okay.

Sans POV~

I woke up to the sound of crying. I quietly leave my room and avoid Gaster, who was fast asleep at his desk. I follow the crying to Chara's room. Oh god why. I open the door to see Chara talking to a buttercup flower and crying. "I-i'm never getting out of h-here, am I F-flowey?" Chara had their back turned away from the door. "I-I don't know Chara...... I-im sorry......" Flowey spoke quietly.  "THEN RESET" Chara sobbed. "C-chara! Only F-frisk can do that now a-and you know tha-..... Um Chara.....you got a visitor" "Who is it?" "The smiley trash bag" Chara chuckled lightly and turned towards me, with Flowey in their hands. "What?" They boh said at the simultaneously. "How long were you here?" Chara snapped. "Long enough to know that I understand y-your pain.

"You do?!" Chara's eyes widened and so did Flowey's. (I'm listening to the Undertale soundtrack again and the song 'Waterfall' just came on and this all fits in so perfectly that I'm crying) "Yes. I don't like it here....and I wanna leave too...........and it's bad for us here I know..... But........ I don't even know if that will ever happen." I sighed sitting next to Chara as a few tears roll down my cheek.

Chara opened their arms and I hugged them tightly, them doing the same. "Promise if we get a chance to leave you'll take me with me. A-and we can watch the snow fall in Snowdin with everyone else who is free." Chara sniffed. I nodded. "I will. I promise. And Paps too. And Frisk. And Y/n" Chara chuckled when I mentioned Y/n. "Yeah, Y/n too" We both pulled away and Flowey smirked. (Waterfall just ended that had so much feels for me!!!!!!)

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