The Prince(Asriel) and the Pea-brain(Flowey(

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Author chan squeals

Handplates Sans: *Covers non-existent ears*


Handplates Sans: *Glares at Author Chan*

Whoops, sorry. But in the mean time I made a Chara x reader for the Tangled story... well I just started it and I'd be really happy if some of the resders her checked that out as well. Bye bye, have a nice day! (BTW this is gonna be the chapter of the Flowey POV)


"Y/N... Hows things in the underground now?" Chra asked me, holding her talking flower in a pot in her hands. All Sans, Papyrus, and Frisk had been in testing all day, so it was just me and Chara.

"Well... the prince has been looking for a friend, him being his lonely self, It's nice and calm in Waterfall... with the excepting of Undyne, and the queen, Toriel, still does not know of the human souls that were killed." I informed her. "Who's the prince?" She asked. "King Asgore and Queen Toriel's son, Prince Asriel."

(News flash, Flowey and Asriel are gonna both exist, just for the fun of it. Even in the future reset.)

"How can a Prince be lonely?" "Well, he doesn't make a lot of friend who don't care for his royal status. That's all he wants." I looked towards her pet flowey, Flowey. "Oh..." Chara said, nodding. "Chara, are you alright?" The damn flower took the words right out of my mouth.

"Yeah Flowey, it's just I kinda relate to him. Not the royalty part, but the loneliness thing. At least before, I was." She sighed.

But then, Gaster slammed the door open, with Sans, Papyrus, and Frisk behind him. "Y/N we have a problem!" He freaked out. "What is it?" I stood up, so did Chara with Flowey. "The king amd his son!" He gasped for breath. "What about the king and the prince?" I raised an eyebrow. "They're coming over here." Gaster explained. "Oh, well that's nice." I sighed. "No no, they're coming right now! At this very moment!" He freaked once more. "Oh crap!" My face turned pale. "Exactly!"


Surprisingly, the king wasn't too angry about us not having much to show him, which is good... though he's never really mad anyways...

Chara and the prince got along great. So did Frisk and the prince. Sans and Papyrus though... they stayed in their room. It was unfortunate.

Though, something about the prince made Flowey, Chara's friend, feel weird. Like he was having a Nostalgia moment.

Flowey ❀ POV~

(Flowey swears... Just saying)

Something about the prince made me feel unusual. He reminds me so much of someone... But who?... How should I know? I'm just a fucking flower.

I stayed near Chara while her and the prince talked... I swear these two had so much alike, it was like a family reunion or something. They even had the same sweaters.

Frisk did have a pink, well magenta, and blue sweater, but they were put into a straight jacket at the brink of insanity... They seem ... 'Better' this way, to Gaster.

Everything going on around me was... Happy. Like everyone here has met each other before... I didn't understand what was going on.

I fled the room and went to underground, and to Snowdin. Everything was quiet... Like someone specific would make everything louder and brighter, they jut weren't there. Maybe even two people... Who knows?

(Hint. Hint.)

It seems... The only people who were happy... Were stuck as Gaster's experiments... I-.... What if they left the lab? And never returned? Would that make everything happy?... So I can crush happiness down and take control? So I could become a better person...Err.... Flower. I didnt know. And I DIDN'T care.

Sorry to cut it short, but I wanted this chapter done quick and fast.

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