2 chapter

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Inside the Mills house, Zelena took Allison to her room and lied her on the bed.

"Auntie Z?"

"Hey monkey," Zelena greeted with a smile sitting on the bed next to Allison.

"Where's mommy?"

"She had to go see Grandma, you're staying with me while she's away, okay?" Zelena asked and Allison nodded but start looking around.

"This isn't you're house, where are we?" She asked with a frown.

"My parents' house. Is that okay?" Allison nodded again.

"Are you sleeping with me?"

"Of course I am! I was just going to put my pyjamas on." Zelena said and went to put her flying monkey onesie on. "Look! We match!" Zelena said getting in the bed next to Allison who chuckled and snuggled close to Zelena. Soon enough both were asleep.

 When the morning came Zelena woke up by Allison shaking her.

"Aunt Z... Aunt Z... Wake up."

"I'm up, I'm up... What going on?" Zelena asked yawning.

"I'm hungry and I miss my mom," Allison stated.

"Okay, what about we go to the kitchen and you call your mom while I make you breakfast?" Zelena questioned while getting up and picking Allison up.

"Pancakes?" Zelena chuckled and nodded heading downstairs to the kitchen. Zelena sat Allison on the kitchen island and dialled Emma's number handing the phone over to Allison, and then she started making pancakes.

"Mommy?" Allison questioned into the phone.

"Hey sweetie, how did you sleep?" Emma asked with a tired voice.

"Good I slept with aunt Z, but I missed you!"

"I missed you too, but grandma isn't feeling very good so I had to come to see her." Emma tried to explain to her daughter.

"Why couldn't I go with you?" Allison whined.

"Because this is a grown-up matter, aren't you having fun with Zelena?"

"Mommy all we did until now was sleep, there wasn't that much time to have fun," Allison deadpanned into the phone.

"Whoah there's no need to get sassy with mommy," Emma said with a chuckle.

"Sorry mommy... But I miss you so much and I wanted to see Grandma too!"

"Next time baby, okay?"



"Here you go monkey, eat your breakfast while I talk to your mom," Zelena said and Allison handed her the phone. Allison started to eat and Zelena exited the room.

"Hey Emma, how is she doing?"

"Not good the doctors don't think she'll last long..." Emma told her with a shaky voice. "How's Allison?"

"She's good don't worry about her." Zelena tried to reassure the blonde.

"I'm scared Z, and not only because of my grandma, but also because of Allison."

"What do you mean?"

"What if she's like me and my grandma?"

"Would that be that bad?"

"I mean... I don't have a minute to just relax, like right now, I'm talking to you but there's like ten people looking at me... ten dead people," Emma informed her.

"Well, it is a hospital so it's kind of normal."

"Yeah but if I didn't have this gift I could have a normal life with my daughter. I wouldn't miss things my daughter tells me because I am trying so hard to ignore the voices around us that only I can hear."

"Didn't your grandma said that your father didn't share the gift?" Zelena reminded her, "Maybe it'll just jump another generation."

" I hope you're right Z..."

While Zelena talked to Emma, Allison was still in the kitchen eating her pancakes when someone entered the kitchen.

"Well, hello there, who you are?" The woman asked.
"Hi, I'm Allison. And you are?" Allison asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Cora Mills, dear. May I ask why are you here?" Cora asked sitting across from Allison.

"My mom had to go see my grandma so I stayed with Auntie Z.. wait are you her mother?"

"Indeed I am..." Cora stared at Allison and she could swear that this little girl looked just like another blonde that she hadn't heard of in a little over a decade. Just as she was about to ask about her mother Zelena entered the kitchen.

"Good morning mother."

"Morning dear, I see we have a guest" Cora said looking at Allison.

"Monkey, why don't you go get dressed? I'll be there in a minute," Allison nodded and went to the room.

"Her mother is who I think it is?" Cora asked her older daughter with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know who do you think she is. I haven't mastered mind reading yet, mother," Zelena told her.

"Oh come on Zelena don't play games with me, she looks just like Emma when she was her age."

"Well then why did you asked?" 

"What is she doing here?"

"She's my goddaughter and Emma asked me to take care of her while she was away," Zelena answer with a shrug. Cora frown.

"Since when?" 

"Since the day she was born."

"But I thought you had stopped hanging with Emma..." Cora asked clearly confused.

"No. Regina stopped hanging with Emma and that broke Emma! I was there to pick the pieces and put them back together!"

"So you've been seeing her all this time?"

"Yeah, and once Allison was born I was there for her too," Zelena said and Cora just nodded.

Upstairs Allison was getting dressed when the bedroom door opened. She looked at it and smiled at the brunette standing in the doorway.

"Hi! I'm Allison!" Allison said and Regina smiled at her.

"Hello, Allison. I'm Regina. What are you doing here?" Regina asked sitting next to Allison on the bed.

"My mom had to take care of something, so my godmother is taking care of me."

"Your godmother?" She asked with a frown.

"Yes, my aunt Zelena," Allison said and Regina frowned again. Aunt? Who's this kid and why didn't Zelena ever spoke of her? Regina thought.

"Hey monkey, are you-" Zelena started entering the room but as soon as she spotted Regina, she walked over to Allison and pick her up.

"Who's this?" Regina asked Zelena nodding towards Allison.

"My goddaughter," Zelena said and looked at Allison.

"Can you go to the park today, aunt Z? Pleaseeee." Allison asked with a pout. Zelena chuckle and put Allison on the ground.

"Of course we can. Let me just get dressed." Zelena said and started to change clothes. Regina sat there on the bed looking at her sister trying to figure out what was going on.

"Zelena, we need to talk." 

"Not now. Now I'm going to the park we can talk later." Zelena said getting out of the bedroom with Allison.

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