13 chapter

240 12 2

Emma wakes up in the middle of the night and carefully untangled herself from Regina not to wake her. She gets up from the bed and after taking a last look at Regina she walked to the bathroom. She stared at herself in the mirror and smiled when she spotted the purple bruise that was on her neck. She had been careful not to leave any visible mark on Regina but Regina hadn't had the same thing in mind.

"Had fun?" Emma heard behind her making her jump. Emma looked at the place where the voice was coming from seeing Danielle covering her eyes playfully, "I swear I didn't see anything!"

"God, Danielle. Couldn't you wait until the morning?" Emma murmured grabbing her robe and putting it over her still naked body.

"It'll be quick, I just came to say goodbye," Danielle told her.

"Oh. Well, I can't say that I am not happy."

"I know my part in your life wasn't a good one, I was pretty much the villain in your story. I am not a bad person, you know? When I came here I... I was a brat who just wanted to fit in, I know that won't change how it affected you but... I don't even know. Thinking back the three of us could have been good friends," Danielle said and Emma scoffed leaning against the sink, "I'm serious, you're a good person Emma and I'm sorry for everything that you've been through. But now things are starting to get back in track between you and Regina, you're going to work on gaining each other's trust again, especially Regina. And most important you're going to rebuild the bridges that I broke. I'm really sorry Emma," Danielle said and started to walk towards what Emma presumed was the light. Suddenly, she stops and looks at Emma with a serious expression, "things will get harder before they get better, but don't lose hope, Emma. You're so close to finally have everything you want."

"What? What does that mean?"

"I can't get into detail but you need to be careful, Emma, don't let him win," Danielle sternly tells Emma.

"He? Who is he?" Emma asked confused and Danielle shooked her head.

"I can't Emma. I am sorry. Trust Regina, she'll help you. She'll be there for you," she assured Emma who sighed.

"I don't even know what this thing with Regina is. I mean we were just starting to talk to each other again and then we just slept together, was it a mistake?" Emma questioned fearfully.

"I don't think it was, no. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Look, I know you are frightened to let Regina fully back into your life but she won't betray you, she won't let you down," she guaranteed to Emma, "you know, Allison approves of her."

"My daughter? How do you know that?" she asked with a frown.

"No, not that Allison. The older one, your grandmother," Danielle clarified.

"My grandmother? How..." Emma trailed off not knowing what to think.

"Yeah, well she paid me a visit and gave me a lecture about everything that happened since I came into your life. God, she had been waiting for that moment I can tell," she said chuckling, "anyway, she was the one who asked me to warn you about him."

"Who is he! And why didn't my grandma warn me herself?" Emma demanded.

"You are not ready to see her Emma, it isn't time yet. Be brave," Danielle told her before disappearing. Emma splashed some water on her face and dried it before going back to her room. Entering the room Emma smiled weakly when she saw Regina sitting in the bed with the sheet around her waist rubbing her eyes.

"Hey, why are you awake?" she asked sitting with her legs crossed beside Regina.

"I heard you talking. Is everything okay?" Regina asked in the middle of a yawn. Emma looked at her and she just couldn't understand how someone could look so adorable especially right after away up, "Em?" she asked breaking Emma's thought.

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