15 chapter

198 11 3

For the next four days, Regina waited for Emma to text her like she said she would, checking her phone way more frequently than she normally did she got more and more upset when she started to realise that maybe Emma would not text her. Not as quickly as she wished, at least. Then she started to remember Emma's behaviour the last time they were together and started to worry. The moment Zelena asked Regina if she knew what was going on with Emma was the moment she knew something was definitely wrong. 

Apparently, Allison had been staying with her godmother for the past four days and whenever she called Emma she would be brushed off by her mother claiming to be busy. After a week, Emma's behaviour kept getting more and more erratic and Regina decided to go to Emma's house and see what was going on. 

"Regina? What are you doing here, now is not a good time," Emma said looking around.

"It hasn't been a good time all week, Emma. You barely talk to your own daughter. What is going on?" Regina pressed. Emma ignored her question, shaking her head when she felt a cold breath hit her ear.

"Tell her, darling. Why won't you? With your luck, she'll leave just like last time."

"Emma, talk to me. I am not going anywhere."

"Best friends forever, was it? Until someone better came along."

"I am here for you."

"Until someone normal came along."

"You can tell me anything."

"Yeah, tell her. Just so she can go around and tell everyone, just like last time."

Emma covered both of her ears and screwed her eyes shut as she slid down against the door, "get out of my head," she cried out. Regina knelled beside Emma and carefully wrapped her arms around her pulling her closer to herself. Not knowing what to do, Regina just held Emma. She held Emma until she had calmed down and then they made their way into the living room.

"Emma, please tell me what is going on," Regina begged her after giving her a glass of water.

"Do you remember what I told you about Allison's father?" she asked in a whisper and Regina nodded, "it's him. He's here. That's why I sent Allison to Zelena's, he won't get to her that way. He is... attached to me somehow. I don't know," Emma said shaking her head and looked at Regina with tears welling up in her eyes, "Regina, he won't go away and he won't shut up. He keeps whispering these things to me, telling me how pathetic I am and how he is going to take Allison from me and-"

"No matter what he tells you, Emma, it is not true. There's nothing he can do," Regina sternly told Emma cutting her off.

"That's not true. He is powerful. He always has been that's why he got away when he raped me, and somehow he is even more powerful now that he died."

"Is he here now?" she questioned and Emma's head snapped up as she looked around the room. She had been so caught up with Regina that she didn't even notice that he had disappeared.

"No, I... I don't understand he said nothing could make him go away..."

"Well, apparently he lied. Shocking, right?" she jokingly told her making Emma smile for the first time that week, "I am staying here with you tonight, alright? I am just going to go home and get my things and then I will be right back, do you want me to bring you anything?" Regina asked Emma who shook her head. Regina left the house and Emma started to get the guest room ready for her.

"Are you sure you want her to stay over? She is only going to ruin the fun," Emma heard behind her but ignored it, "Oh my darling Emma, you cannot ignore me."

"What do you want from me! Why do you keep messing with my head even dead!"

"You love me. Deep down you are happy that I am here, we were made for each other. The proof of that is that little bundle of joy that is our daughter," the man told Emma making her face him.

"My daughter! She isn't yours Jefferson, she never was and she never will be. You're mad!" he slowly approached Emma and smirked as he leaned into her ear.

"Oh, darling... Haven't you heard? All the best people are," Jefferson said laughing. However, his laughter soon stopped when he heard the front door close signalling that Regina had returned, "she won't be around you all the time. When she leaves, I'll come back. Remember that."

"Emma, are you okay?"Regina asked entering the room. Emma looked at her frowning her eyebrows before hugging Regina.

"Thank you so much for being here."

"Of course, I won't leave you. Not again, Emma," Regina promised before making her way to her bag grabbing something from it, "Allison made this for you. She says she can't wait to come home," she said smiling softly. Emma looked at the drawing and smiled seeing Zelena, then Allison, herself and finally Regina. She couldn't say it was someone else even if she wanted to seeing that Allison made sure to write everyone's names under each figure. At the top corner of the paper, Emma noticed something similar to someone's shadow. As if someone was watching them, however, she decided to ignore that. It was just a drawing.

"You've already made it into the drawings. You know what this means?" she asked looking at Regina who shook her head, "it means you've made it into her heart, Regina. Don't break it," she warned.

"I won't. I promise."

They were in the kitchen having dinner when Emma brought Jefferson up again.

"He won't come back. Not while you're here. He told me himself," Emma said looking at Regina, "he said once you're gone he will come back."

"Guess we only have one option then," Regina determined, "I won't be going anywhere," she said smiling causing Emma to smile back at her.


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