4- More infos about SAD

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Social Anxiety Disorder(SAD), or Social Phobia is the fear of interacting with other people.
You will feel you will being judged by them, or that someone will talk negatively of you, and laughing you out.
You just don't want to interact with most of the people because of these feelings. Most of the time you want to be alone.
People with Social Anxiety tend to have depression, but not all have depression tho.

You will feel most of the time embarrassed when you are out and do something "weird" (something that's considered weird from you) or when you do a small mistake you will Probably be embarrassed too.
As a god example: You almost tripped and nobody saw it, you will still feel like everyone saw it and you are like instantly embarrassed. It wasn't a good example, but you get the idea, or?

Not just quiet and people with low self-esteem can have SAD. Outgoing people, talkative people, hyper people, and so on can also have social anxiety.

Symptoms of SAD:
You experience an emotional distress when:

-you are introduced to someone new.
-being teased or criticized
-being watched while you do something.
-being the center of attention
-meeting/talking to someone important(like a teacher, president...)
-most Social encounters
-Standing up, walking in a room full of people.

More Infos:
Everyone has a different type of a panic attack signs or symptoms when you are in a social situation but here are more following examples:

-Shortness of breath, or hyperventilation
-Heart racing.
-chest pain or discomfort.
-trembling or shaking.
-having a choking feeling.
-feeling unreal, feeling like you are detached from you surroundings.
-nausea or stomach pain.
-dizzy feeling, light-hearted, or faint.
-numbness or tingling sensations.
-hot or cold flashes.
-fear of dying, losing control, or going crazy.

When people experience a panic attack they often hide in toilet stalls, or a bathroom.
I didn't had a panic attack that included a total breakdown with crying and trembling.
Most panic attacks last to 10-30 minutes.

It can be very comforting when you have a person at your side that understand you and help you calm down.
Always try to breathe calmingly in and out, take deep breaths.

This is just a little chapter with a bit of information.

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