Chapter Eleven

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(A/N: Make sure to read my note at the bottom!)

Today everyone seems to be in a sorrow state. Edward's bunk is completely stripped and where the blood was last night, it's all clean. Me and Al ate currently walking down the halls together. We're bored and have no clue what to do. Dauntless is fun and exciting, but when you have a day off after someone got stabbed, you never know what to do.  I don't even know Edward, so I'm not that sad.

I look over at Al and he is just looking straight ahead as we walk. Maybe fun will be right around the corner. Or maybe we just have to do something that's close to having fun.

"I'm so bored," I complain to Al.

"Yeah, me too," he replied.

Okay, he's bored too. I would ask him what we should do, but he doesn't sound like he's in a good mood. I sigh and head back to the dorms. Maybe I'll get Christina to stop bugging me. As I walk in, I see her sitting on her bunk.

"Hi Tris," she said.

"I'll take the tests," I said.

"Yay!" She exclaimed.

"It's been bugging me for days anyways," I said.

She sits up and puts her hands on my shoulders. I feel like she's either going to head butt me or shake me to death. I'd rather not get injured today.

"Do you still have those tests I gave you?" She asked.

"Yep they're right here in my pocket," I said as I reached into it.

Oh no, they're gone. Either someone took them or they fell out. Either way, I'm doomed. Christina looks at me like I'm insane. I can feel my face get cold and clammy. I lost the tests and I have no clue who took them.

"They're gone," I state.

"What do you mean gone?" She asked.

"Either they fell out of my pocket or someone took them," I replied.

"Well, lets look," she said getting up.

We start with my bunk and trace my steps. They have to be somewhere. They couldn't of just disapeared. Maybe Peter took them this morning before I woke up. I could see him doing that. He always finds a way to start shit with me. He would do anything to get me kicked out of Dauntless. I need to find those tests.

"Okay, who were you last with?" She asked.

"Al," I replied.

"Okay, there is a chance he saw the tests in your pocket and took them," she said.

"Yeah, I hope not," I said.

"Don't worry Tris, we'll find them. If not I can always get you more," she said.

I can careless if we find them or not. I just want to know who took them, and why. Why would anyone want to take a pregnancy test that wasn't even used?

Then it hits me, Al seemed pretty moody when I talked to him. Maybe he found the tests and Thinks that I cheated on him or something. Or maybe he doesn't want to have a baby. I don't blame him, we're too young to be parents. I don't even know how to hold a baby. So yeah, I am doomed if I am pregnant.

Hey everyone, how are you?

I would really love it if you read my story on my other account. Pic below↓

I took a lot of time writing it and I am currently trying to edit it. So please do take a look and see if you like✌❤

 So please do take a look and see if you like✌❤

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