Chapter Thirteen

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"Hey, you're Tris, right?" A voice asked.

I look up and see a boy around my age. He must be a Dauntless born because I haven't seen him around before. Or maybe he's already a member. And how the hell does he know my name? This is really weird. I stand up and face him.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Cool, I'm Uriah. I'm a Dauntless born," he said.

"Cool," I replied, pushing my messy hair out of my face.

"So, wanna go zip lining?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Zip lining," He repeated.

What the heck is a zip lining? Is that some weird sport the Dauntless do? It is like a buiding? Or maybe it's a person. People here in Dauntless do tend to have weird names like that. I wouldn't be surprised if I met someone named zip. Maybe as a joke, I'll name my future kid zip. 

"What is that?" I asked.

"I forgot you're a stiff," he said.

"That's a first," I mumbled.

"Zip lining is fun, you'll see," he said.

He grabs my hand and pulls me along with him. Looks like I don't even get to have an option or a choice. I am forced to do this zip lining thing. What the heck is a zip line? Why can't I just stay here, find my tests and call it a day?

We get out to the tracks and I yank my hand back. His hand is very sweaty and gross. I'd rather not have to hold it for the entire trip. As the train nears, we start running. First Uriah jumps on and then I jump on. Everyone on the train turns their heads to look at me. I just give a weak smile.

An older looking girl walks up to me. She crosses her arms and then stares at me. Well, this is a tad bit awkward. 

"Um, hi," I said.

"Hello, I'm Shauna," she replied.

"I'm Tri..."  

"I know, first jumper, tends to stick," she cut off. 

I just nod my head a little and stick my hands into my pocket. This has been an awkward ride already. Everyone here seems to know me already because I'm the first jumper. There is nothing to really talk about because they are all dauntless born. So I'm just kind of the odd one out. 


"How many floors?" I asked.

"100, we have to go ll the way to the top," Uriah replied.

I just look at him in disbelief and everyone then stuffs themselves in the elevator. This girl with a shaved head steps on my foot and I just hold in the yelp of pain. Either she meant to step on my foot, or her foot is made of steel.

Uriah jams his thumb into the button that makes the elevator move. And then we start to move up at a high rate. Uriah fixes his ruffed up hair in the reflection of the elevator. By the time we get to the top, his hair is fixed and my foot is done throbbing.

"Okay, time for the fun to start," Uriah states.


NOTE: Sorry for not updating in a while. I had a hard time writing this chapter because I forgot what actually happened when they went zip lining and I'm too lazy to pull my book off my shelf. 

Plus, don't judge if it's way off, this is a fanfiction, not a book report. 

Eek, sorry for any spelling or grammar errors. I wrote this while ill, so my mind isn't all right at this moment. Like for one part in this chapter, I had put money instead of many. 

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