Chapter Sixteen

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"What do you think you're doing?" A voice asked.

Startled, I turn around and see Four. He looks up at me with a light scowl. My face heats up and I try to hide it.

"Just trying to get a better vantage point," I stated, turning back around and continuing.

"I'm coming too," he replied, slinging his gun onto his back.

"You don't need to," I said.

Too late, he started climbing and is now behind me. I let out the breath I was holding and I grab the next rung. As I put my foot on that rung, it snaps and I quickly grab onto the side of the ladder. Four catches me and his fingers wrap around my waist. My breath hitches as he touches a bit of my skin that shows. 

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied quickly.

I get back onto the ladder and continue upward with Four right behind me. Once the ladder ends, I climb onto the small platform. I scoot over so Four has room. He crouches and I can see the sweat shinning on his forehead.

"You okay?" I asked, looking at him.

"Are you even human?" He asked.

"Are you afraid of heights. I thought you weren't afraid of anything?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"Everyone's afraid of something," he replied.

I nod slightly and turn my head to look out. We aren't High enough to spot the flag. I stand up and grab onto one of the bars above me.

"What are you doing?" Four asked.

"We aren't High enough," I replied, climbing up the maze of bars.

Four sighs and then starts to follow. My hand keeps grabbing onto the bars and I pull myself up. Four is close behind me and his breathing quickens up a bit. He is uncomfortable this high up off of the ground.

I stop once I believe we are High enough. Four pulls himself up and gets in front of me. A light breeze blows and causes it to get a bit colder. I glance over Four's shoulder and see the other team's flag.

"I see it," I state.

"Where?" Four asked.

"Other side of the pier," I replied.

Four starts to climb down and I follow. My feet slip from under me and I quickly grasp onto the bar that my hand is on. I can barely hold on with two hands. I call out to Four for help. He just keeps moving in the opposite direction. Why is he moving away from me? Does he secretly want me to die or what? As he gets to the bottom and jumps to the ground, I start to panic a little bit more. He's just going to leave me hanging (no pun intended). 

But then the wheel starts to move. I thought this old rusty wheel didn't work? The wheel gets closer to the ground and I jump with all my might. I land on my feet and my knees give out, causing me to fall onto my face. I cover up my face with my hands and land. Four stops the wheel and then rushes over to me. 

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Just a few scratches. Why didn't you tell me that the wheel was working?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I didn't know it worked. I knew that I needed to do something to get you down," he replied, wiping off his forehead.

"Thanks," I said.

We then walk to where we saw the flag. We can make a plan and get the flag. As we reach everyone, we all huddle up and tell them  our plan. Time to go kick some booty.


OMG, I'm finally updating XD. This is super rare. Anyways, sorry it's complete crap, I had zero ideas while writing.

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