Chapter 2

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(Amy POV)

We made it to the gym and Sonic showed me miss Murphy's office and bided farewell. I looked inside the office and saw a light brown dog at a desk.

She looked up at me, "What can I do for you?"

"Well I am new here and I didn't know that I needed gym clothes." I raked a hand through my spiky quills.

"Oh sweetie don't worry about it! Just bring them on Wednesday!" she smiled at me.

"Okay I will thank you!" I walked out of her office and met with the other girls. I found cream and blaze talking to a albino bat and a peach colored echidna. I walked over to them.

"Hey Cream hey Blaze!" I greeted.

They turned to me and Cream spoke up, "Hey Amy! I would like you to meet Rouge and Tikal!"

"Nice to meet you Amy" Tikal said, I nodded.

"Pleasure to meet you Hun!" rouge greeted.

"I can say the same for you two too." I answered.

Miss Murphy came out of her office and announced, "Alright we will be playing soccer today." there was a crowd of cheers from the boys and a disapproving sigh from the girls.

"Alright let's play!" she shouted. I found a seat at the edge of the field and watched the boys face the girls.

It's amusing just watching them play in their normal social groups. There were some girls standing doing nothing while others were engaging in the game.

The 5 minute bell rang eventually and I got up from the bench to meet the girls at the girls changing room exit.

I looked at my schedule and saw that I had Spanish 4 next. I pouted and waited for the girls to change. Once they came out I showed them what I had next.

"Oh I have the next class with you Hun!" Rouge said.

"Cool!" we waved goodbye to the others and Rouge and I walked down the hall.

"So tell me why did you move here?" Rouge asked.

"I moved because my step mom can't keep her job."I said kind of in an angry tone. Rouge blinked at me then kept on walking.

"Mmm stress." Rouge clicked her tongue.

"You don't even know the half of it."

I nodded.

She smiled at me sympathetically, "well we are almost there just around the corner."

She took my hand and guided me to the entrance.

"I sit next to Knuckles so just introduce yourself to the teacher and she will give you a spot."

I walked shyly up to the teacher's desk to find a green lizard with glasses. She looked up at me, "hello you must be the new student, Amy."

I nodded. "that's me!"

"Well I am miss Carignani."

"Nice to meet you!"

"Well looks like you will be sitting at the only open seat which is next to Miles." she pointed at him and I nodded and walked over to him and sat down.

He nudged me, "Hey my name is Miles Prower but my friends call me Tails."

I giggled, "My name is Amy."

"nice to meet you Amy!"

I nodded in response and wrote down Spanish to english translations.

The whole class we were learning prepositions in Spanish. When class ended I looked at my schedule and found that I had a special class that is for people with special talents. I walked out of spanish class and headed for The B wing but there was no classroom that was it. I was wondering from hall to hall trying to find it when I found a janitor and asked him where the room is.

"Go down the hall make a left and head down the stairs to the music hall and it should be the last door on the right." he replied.

"Thanks!" I sped off to class since I was already 5 mins late.

Once I was in class I saw the teacher at the head of the class giving them instructions. I tried to sneak into class but I was stopped by the teacher.

"Late I see.." he looked at me with stern eyes.

"Well I got lost...sorry it won't happen again." I said shyly as I looked at all the students staring at me.

My ears drooped but then the teacher spoke up, "So you are the new student."

"Yes'm" I smiled.

"Well what is your special talent?" he asked.

"Well I love to sing and my step mom thinks I sing really well"

"Do you mind singing for us?" he asked.

"Uh s-sure..." I gulped

- Sonic -

The teacher nodded and she took in a deep breath.

"Give me love, like her."

My eyes widened as she sang a surprising run, completely different from the original song.

"'Cause lately I've been waking up alone.

Paint splattered tear drops on my shirt.

Told you I'd let them go

And that I'll find my corner.

And that tonight I'll call you

After my blood, turns into alcohol.

No I just wanna hold ya."

She suddenly stopped and the class erupted in claps. She blushed and spotted me at the edge of the class and sat down next to me. I patted her on the back.

"You sound awesome."

"Thanks." She smiled pulling the sleeves of her sweater over her hands.

"Okay class after that wonderful performance I want to tell you that there is a talent show coming up this Friday at 7:00-9:00. So if you want to be in it the sign up sheets are in the hall-" he was cut off by the hurdle of students trampling over to sign up for the talent show.

I chuckled at it and turned to Amy, "You have to do the talent show."

She smiled and answered, "I don't know...I am afraid of going up alone..." she trailed off at the last part.

"Oh no worries! I'll do it with you!" I suggested. I could sing. At least I thought I could.

"Really?!" she brightened up her smile and it made me melt inside.

"Of course anything for a friend!" I reassured her.

"Thanks Sonic I'll sign us up!" she scrambled through the line of students to sign us up.

When class was over I walked Amy to her next class which was social studies when I heard someone yell my name.

"Sonic!" the voice yelled.

"Oh shit..."

~~~~~Authors note~~~~

who was the voice??? dun dun DUUUNNN!!

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