Chapter 7

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Ivy the hedgehog belongs to Ivythehedgehog

Night and TY belong to L0ne W0lf

(At school grounds Tails' POV)

"Where could she possibly be?!" I whispered to myself, pushing through the crowd. I have practically searched every corner and bench of this school and I can't find her! Who you may ask, oh simple, the one and only cream the rabbit! I am pretty sure I have seen every face in this school while searching around except her. Oh joy. Just when I need to find her, she is somewhere else and I have to go on a full out scavenger hunt for her..

'Now, what I am looking for okay tan body, and long ears, yeah lets start with that...' I thought to myself now searching for those features. Another minuet passes and still no luck.

"HOW HARD IS IT TO FIND ONE GIRL?!?!?!" I blurted out instantly covering my mouth as the crowd around me, stopped and starred. My cheeks went red in embarrassment. Then a brown hedgehog with red bangs, spiking out of her forehead, and red streaks came out of the crowd. She had violet eyes, dark brown boots that go up to her knees, a short black skirt, black biker gloves with one spiky bracelet on her right wrist and to top it off was a green sleeveless top with big bold letters spelling out, "Punk".

"ALRIGHT EVERYBODY NOTHING TO SEE HERE, CONTINUE ON!" she said flailing her arms to shoo the crowd away. This made me feel a little better, but cream was lurking through my mind and I panicked again frantically looking in different directions to try to find the rabbit, ignoring the weird stares from the brown hedgehog.

"you need help?" she asked, making me stop what I was doing.

I pondered, thinking whether I should let her help me. well two heads are better than one when looking for someone, "Yeah, I am looking for a friend of mine, Cream the rabbit?"

"Oh hey I know her, the tan rabbit with long ears??" I nodded, "well the name's Ivy, and you?"

"Miles prower, but everyone calls me Tails." I smiled at her but then noticed what my main priority was, finding Cream! "We have to go!! She might leave school grounds soon!" I took her hand and pulled her out of the crowd.

Once we were out I turned to her, "Okay so we split up, you look to the left near the buses and I will check near the front of the school, then when the buses start up ready to leave, we meet at the flag pole, okay?"

"I'm on it!" she walked off looking for the young rabbit, as I went my way.

(with Ivy, Ivy's POV)

"CREAM!...CREAM?! least I think that's her name." I was walking around near the buses sometimes being shoved by the crowd of students still walking to who knows where...

Then I spotted a tan rabbit, talking sitting off to the side on a bench. "CREAM! AHA!!" I screamed at she shot her head up in my direction. I ran up to her, "Your name is Cream right??" she nodded and her ears bounced as she did so.

"Who are you?" she looked at me with innocent eyes.

"No time to explain, your friend is looking for you, come with me!" I took her hand and speed-walked to the flag pole. just in time to hear the buses start up. 'Perfect timing, Tails will be here any second' I thought smiling to myself.

Then tails came around the corner and instantly saw the tan rabbit and his face lit up.

"Cream!!" he shouted and walked over to us, "Thanks Ivy!"

"No prob..." I looked at the buses and sighed, "well I better get going, see ya!" I ran off leaving the two.

(Night's POV)

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