Chapter 18

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(Normal POV)

Outside of the theater, we join Sonic and his friends all congratulating him.

"Congrats! You were amazing!" Tails patted Sonic on the back. Sonic smiled at him. Then his eyes searched for Amy in the large crowd of people that were leaving the building. Backstage she disappeared and her couldn't find her, but hey that's old news, she disappears all the time.

Thinking of that also, he hasn't spotted Sally either. That isn't good news, Amy and Sally missing at the same time turns out bad.

"Hey guys, ill be back in a few..." Sonic said before speeding off. He sped through the halls, occasionally stopping as he would see a flash of pink at some point, and then it would disappear the next. It was just his mind playing tricks on him. Man he had it bad for this girl.

He flashed into one hallway and instantly stopped when he heard a familiar voices. They weren't just talking, they were shouting! He tried to trail to the source of the sound.


"I thought I told you not to come to the talent show!" Sally barked, "I was pretty sure you wouldn't even get out of that closet..."

Amy glared at her, but the fierceness in her gaze was unmistakably powered by a strange hint of realization. She wanted her to die in there or something?!

"You sadist creep! You wanted me to die in there!" She growled at the chipmunk/squirrel.

"I have had enough of you!" Sally ran towards Amy with her fist high in the air.

Just as Sally's fist made contact with Amy, Sonic flashed into the room. Amy staggered back from the blow and held her stomach in pain. Sonic stared at them confused.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" he announced, catching the attention of the two girls. As Amy doubled over in pain, Sally smirked.

"Oh not much, just teaching a lesson." She flashed her pearly white teeth at Sonic. Sonic growled at her, his eyes shifted from Amy to Sally. They were having a fight.

"I thought I told you not to touch Amy!" Sonic snapped. Amy gazed at him confused, why was he being so protective over her?

"Oh, oops. That threat just slipped my mind, sorry." Sally smirked. Amy stared at Sonic wide eyed, he sent her a threat? When?!

"Sally, if you lay a hand on Amy again, I swear I wil-"

"Wait wait wait....It seems like you have a soft spot for her!" Sally said sternly, "You like her not me?!"

Sonic flushed, "I-I uhh, erm-"

This caught Amy's attention, "Spit it out Sonic, do you like me or not?"

Sonic's heart pounded in his chest and his cheeks were a deep red. His head was spinning, trying to decide if he should tell her or not. What if she didn't like him back, then it would ruin their friendship. He looked in her eyes and saw a look of desperation.

'Wow' he thought, 'I think she really wants to know...that might mean that she likes me back!'

"Y-Yea..I do.." he answered scratching the back of his head, avoiding both of their gazes. He heard a gasp and a cracking noise. He instantly looked up and saw that Amy was holding her wrist. It didn't seem good..

Sonic looked from Amy's limp arm to the outraged Sally next to her. He glared at Sally. If looks could kill, Sally would be long dead.

Sonic finally took in the scene and his temperature rose as he let out a deep growl. He lunged at Sally, pushing her away from Amy. His fist was about to make contact with her before he stopped himself. He froze, looking at the scene before him. He gasped and let Sally go.

'if I cause more tension between Amy and Sally, then Sally won't leave Amy alone, and we are stuck with her.' Sonic thought it through in his head. He glanced at Sally and sighed.

"I can't hurt you Sally..." he heaved out a sigh, "because I don't want it to end like this, I want everything to be peaceful, not just a big fight between you and Amy."

Sally pondered, thinking it through. She bit her lip and her cheeks turned red. Then her face lit up, "I will leave you two alone, if you can at least....kiss me...please? I just really like you Sonic, and I couldn't stand seeing another girl with you. Please kiss me once and I will move on."

Sonic looked in her eyes and saw pure desperation. She really meant what she said and by the looks of it, wanted to move on.

He sighed, "o-okay, but you promise not to hurt my friends again?"

She felt tears stinging her eyes, "y-yeah."

"okay then..."

Amy gasped as she looked at both of them coming closer to each other. She closed her eyes not wanting to see him  kiss someone in front of her like that.

As Sally and Sonic leaned closer. Sally quickly closed the gap between the two. She mentally gasped as she felt no good sensation in the kiss. It was duller than she thought it would be with Sonic. 'Does this mean something? That we aren't supposed to be with each other?!' she thought to her self. She pushed the thought out of the way as Sonic pulled away.

They were silent for a bit, Sally seeming disappointed and Sonic just wanting to get out of there.

They were interrupted when Amy cleared her throat, obviously caught in the middle of the awkward situation. "hey so can we get going, because I kinda have a sprained arm and it hurts a lot."

Sonic and Sally gasped, "let's take her to Tails, he will know what to do." Sonic suggested.

Sally nodded and followed Sonic as he wrapped his arm around Amy in order to comfort her. They walked down the hall way and eventually made it to where Tails and the rest of Sonic's friends were.

"Tails, you know how to treat a sprained arm?" sonic asked.

"yeah...why?" Tails asked concerned

"because we got one on our hands." Sonic answered.

(Nights POV)

Wow that was an awesome talent show! Every one seemed to love it! I really had a wonderful time on stage.

"that was so much fun! I can't wait to do it again next year." I heard ivy say next to me.

"I know." Alice giggled from behind, "It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be!"

We walked out of the building and into the warm spring air. I sighed in content, I love spring. My thoughts were concluded when my phone rung. I checked the caller ID, Sonic. Huh I wonder why he would be calling me.


"NIGHT!!" He screamed.

I winced as I pulled the phone away from my ears. I pinned my ears back in frustration, jeez, who does he think he is, yelling in my ear like that!

"What?!" I asked, "What happened?" Alice and Ivy looked at me with worry etched on their face.

"We need you to like comfort Amy, we have a small dilemma." He answered.

I narrowed my eyes as ,y ears perked up in interest, "What do you mean we, who is with you? And most importantly, what happened to Amy?"

"Just the gang, Rouge, Knuckles, Cream, Tails, Blaze Silver, Sally-"

"SALLY?!" I screamed, making Ivy and Alice jump. "You let Sally get close to Amy?"

Ivy scowled and looked at the ground.

"She has changed, she is different now..." he tried to explain.

'Ill be over in a sec, where are you guys?" I asked.

"Amy's house.You know where that is right?"

"I think I have an idea of where it is. okay bye." I hung up, not waiting for a reply.

"Where are we going?" Alice asked with her head tilted.

"To Amy's, Something happened to her. And also Sally is in a 6 foot radius of her, and I don't fully trust her yet." I started walking in the general direction of Amy's house.

"If you say so, can we run though? I really need to burn off some steam." Ivy pitched in. I laughed a bit at her free spirited attitude.

"Alright..if you say so." I said before we all dashed off.

~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~

Weeeeeell...that was fun writing. Thank you L0neW0lf for helping me through writers block! ugh it took lots of courage to type Sally and Sonic kissing. It was something that I dread typing XD

Alright! next chapter will be fun! I think....haha

This is sonamyjewelkatefan sining off saying, "HAVE A FREAKING FRABJOUS DAY! :D"

Sonic and Co. (c) Sega and Sonic Team

All OCs belong to their owners.

Story plot (c) Meh.

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