Chapter 9

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(At school Amy's POV)

You know that feeling when you want a person out of your life to make things easier but you can't because of stupid school rules? well that's how I feel. It was Friday, the day of the talent show, that I might not be going to...

Sally is probably the worst person I've ever ran into, and trust me, I have been through a LOT of horrible and cruel people! Ive been thinking I should actually not do the talent show, I mean what if she gets back at me, better safe then sorry eh?

"HEY AMY!" a voice screamed from behind. I cringed at the voice.

"speaking of the devil.." I whispered to myself. why can't she annoy some other hedgehog, but me! I growled at her appearance, that uptight skirt that seemed as though it was a piece of yarn, or maybe it was the shirt that exposed too much of  her cleavage that made me sick.

she strutted up to me, her hips swaying, "decided yet?" she snapped her gum at me.

"on what?" what was she implying?

"remember the message? yeah that, dumb ass." she laughed, causing her 'friends' to laugh while twirling their hair. I felt so stupid, why didn't I think?!

"yes I have decided." I sighed.

"remember, there will be consequences.." she put her hand on her hip and shifted her weight on one leg.

'what consequences?! oh shit, what will happen if I say no?!' I started to sweat a bit. 'I guess I have to say yes, its worth it, I hope...'

"I have decided..." I mentally slapped myself for not seeing this coming. Only sally would do this to me. I hope sonic will forgive me for this..."I will accept."

A wave of regret washed over me as I was saying this. I have a LOT of explaining to do.

"Good choice" Sally snapped at me while walking away in the other direction. ugh the nerve. I sighed as I walked off towards the school. Now I can't do the talent show OR talk to Sonic. I froze.

"what have I done?" I whispered to myself, tears wanting to burst from my eyes. I looked down and walked to the nearest bench. My eye sight was a little blurry but I could have sworn I saw a flash of black and violet, followed by red.

"are you okay?" a soft gentle, calming voice spoke. I glanced up and saw a black cat and red fox. I quickly wiped my eyes and put on my best fake smile. The black cat was wearing white and gold shoes and a gold watch. She had long, flowing violet hair and golden eyes. She was wearing a whit halter top and blue skinny jeans. The red fox was wearing a red baggy top that slipped off of one shoulder and skin tight white capris. She wore white tennis shoes and gold bangles around her wrists. She had long red hair and orange eyes.

"Yeah I-I am fine..."

It must have not worked because she raised her brow, "It doesn't seem like it.." she sighed and looked to the girl next to her, then whispered in her ear something that I couldn't hear. The girl nodded.

"Well I am Katherina Carters or you can call me Kat, and this is Foxy the fox." the cat said pointing to herself then Foxy. I smiled.

"My name is Amy, Amy Rose." I looked up at them and they were smiling sympathetically at me.

"penny for your thoughts?" Foxy asked. Well I might as well tell someone, it might make me feel better.

"You know who Sally is right?" I asked, Kat rolled her eyes.

"You mean Sally, my cousin? Oh yeah, she can be a brat."

I laughed a bit at her comment but continued, "well, I am doing the talent show with my friend, Sonic, and Sally has a 'thing' for him. So when she found out, she messaged me saying that I couldn't do the talent show, or talk to Sonic anymore." it felt really good to let that out.

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