Chapter 4

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"So Blaze," Cream called her attention, "you and Silver, huh?"

"W-What do you mean..?" She stuttered, dumbfounded.

"Don't play dumb you guys always flirt with each other." She explained and Blaze turned a dark red.

"Blaze!" Silver called from behind is and Blaze gasped.

"Hey." She smiled, pretending like nothing happened.

"I have a question to ask you, I have been waiting to ask you for a while..." He trailed off, running a hand through his quills.


"Um...will you go out with me?" He asked nervously.

Blaze's eyes widened and she blushed a deep red, "yes of course."

Cream and I looked at eachother and smiled, happy for the two of them.

They looked like the perfect couple. I sighed. Then I felt a ticking sensation in my sides and I squealed and giggled.

I turned around to see Sonic with a smirk on his face.

"Your fun to scare." he commented.

I punched him playfully in the arm and giggled.

"Where is our bus?"

"Down at the front of the line."

"You two should really invest in a car." Shadow commented while passing them.

Sonic rolled his eyes, "Unlike you, I don't need a car, I have a running ability."

Shadow glared at him, walking off with no further comments.


I was sitting next to Tails, the man of my dreams. He was rambling on about something smart like he always does. I liked his smart talk, it was cute. I just nodded at everything he said and got lost into his rich blue eyes.

"And that is all you have to do! Cream?" he waved his hand infront of my face.

"Huh?" I said as I came back to reality. I blushed and turned me head away from him hoping he wouldn't see my blush.

"Oh never mind." he looked out the window and I sighed.

I started to feel really tired. I yawned and shook my head trying not to fall asleep. My eyes started to droop and I was slipping into slumber.


I looked behind my seat to see Cream falling asleep on Tails' shoulder

"Aww how cute!!" I squeaked out while Sonic looked at me confused.

"What are you talking about??" he asked as I pointed to cream. He chuckled, "Ahhh I see, I knew he had a thing for her."

"I know they would be so cute together!" I imagined them holding hands and walking down the hall.

"Drifting off to la la land are we now?" Rouge snapped me back to reality.

"Hmph." I crossed my arms.

"Yeah just as I thought you doing the talent show??" she asked eyeing me.

"Indeed I am! I am doing a duet with Sonic but we haven't picked out a song to sing so we are going to his house to decide." I explained.

"Oh I didn't know you could sing girly!" rouge giggled, "I can't wait to hear you two love birds."

I blushed a deep red, "We are not love birds!" I added quickly.

I saw his expression change to something I couldn't decipher, "yeah we are just friends and that is all we will ever be."

"Pssht!" rouge snapped, "whatever" she turned back forward in her seat.

Our stop came up next as I got my back pack ready. I smirked at Sonic as the bus screeched to a halt. I dashed off the bus, Sonic following swiftly behind.

"so where is your house??" I asked

"not far just follow me." he started walking with me by his side.

"so what is your favorite band??" I asked.

He thought for a moment, "I like Mayday Parade and 5 seconds of summer."

I giggled "I love Mayday Parade and 5 Seconds of summer!"

He laughed, "looks like this song will be an easy pick"

"Here is my beloved home!" he ran up to the front door me running behind him.

When we got to the door and he unlocked it he froze,"now, rules: no assault, no breaking things, no rape-"

"Oh my, who says that anyone will be raped?!" I interrupted him.

He shook his head, "Let's just go in." he opened the door and looked inside. It was very neat. The kitchen was attached to the living room with a large TV and game systems. There was a stair case leading upstairs. And one to go to the basement.

"MOM IM HOME WITH A FRIEND!" he yelled to his mom in the kitchen.

"Okay! Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes. Are cheesesteaks good?" she yelled back.

Sonic turned to me, "cheesesteaks?"


"Yeah that's great thanks mom!" He turned back to me, "follow me."

He walked up the stairs still with our back packs on. We arrived at a door with the words 'Sonic' in blue written above the doorframe.

"Gee I wonder whose bedroom this might be..." I teased.

"Oh hush." he shook him head and chuckled. He opened the door to a navy blue room with a bed and a computer.

"Let the research begin."


I looked down at Cream sleeping on my shoulder. No one knew but I have had a secret crush on her. I shifted the hair out of her face and while no one was looking, kissed her on the cheek. She shifted a bit but was sound asleep.

"Dang." I whispered. We were arriving at our bus stop. I hated to wake her up when she seemed to peaceful. I sighed shaking her shoulders.

"No five more minuets" she mumbled and I chuckled, adored by her sleepy faze.

"Come on cream you have to get up and go home." I shifted her so she was sitting upwards.

She gave me a groggily half smile, "thanks for waking me up."

"Oh no problem. But my shoulder was getting tired." I chuckled again

"I'm sorry." she was flustered, poor cream.

"Yeah. It's fine." I reassured her as she got her backpack.

"I got to go bye." she mumbled speeding off.

Well I wonder what is up with her.

----authors note----

I am sorry it's so short. I try my best. If you guys want your OC in the story just ask. I need people for the talent show

If you want your OC or OC's in the story, you have to send me a description of the character. Examples are like: attire, eyes, hair, personality, ect. Thanks very much!! Have a frabjous day!!!

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