Chapter 5

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(Amy's POV)

"Ohhh lets do that song!" I pointed at the computer screen at a familiar song as sonic shook his head.

"No too slow!" I stuck my tongue at him, getting frustrated.

"Do you have any suggestions?" he looked up in thought with his hand stroking his chin.

"I kinda want to do A Day to Remember song." he turned towards me. I thought for a bit.

"okay a day to remember sounds good, but what song has both boy and girl parts?" drooping my ears I stared at the floor.

"If it means alot to you has both!"

"Oh yeah! I like that song!" I looked up on the computer 'If it Means Alot to you' on the computer and we listened to the song to memorize the lyrics and where we came in.

We were interrupted by the sound of Sonic's mom, "DINNER!!"

"Ill race you to the Kitchen!" He smirked at me.

"but sonic I can't-" but he ran down the stairs in a blur of blue, "keep up with you..." I sighed and walked down the stairs.

"What took you so long Ames??" sonic spat cockily at me as I rolled my eyes. He was sitting at the table with his food on a plate in-front of him already eating.

"I can't keep up with your speed...." I shot a glare at him while sitting down next to him. Then his mom came in with two plates, one for me and one for her. She was a purple hedgehog with the same emerald eyes as sonic.

"Oh dear you didn't tell me your friend was a girl...wait..." Sonic's mom looked surprised then started to cry, "OH SONIC I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! YOU GOT A GIRLFRIEND!" she ran up and hugged him from behind. Him and I looked at each other completely red at the face, sonic more than I.

'sorry' he mouthed to me. I nodded my head indicating it was okay. Then we both laughed and laughed. His mother let go of him and looked at us confused, "what?"

"mom, me and Amy aren't dating! she is just a friend. She is doing the talent show with me!" my blush started to fade.

"Oh...sorry honey." she ruffled his quills and he sighed in defeat, "well I am Aleena Sonic's mom, of course."

"Hi I am Amy, Amy Rose." I smiled at Aleena. She is nice.. I started to slowly eat the mashed potatoes on my plate. I turned to sonic, "do you have any brothers or sisters?"

Sonic nodded swallowing his food before he spoke, "yeah, Sonia and Manic, but they are off in college."

I started eating again untill Aleena spoke up, "so what are you guys doing for the talent show??"

"we are doing a duet." Sonic spoke. Aleens nodded.

After finishing the meal I decided it was time to leave. I got my bag from sonic's room and bidded farewell to the two while walking out to the pavement. My flats pattering on the sidewalk. just then I started to miss Sonic, I was with him all day...wait what am I thinking, I can't already be falling for this guy!

I shook my head and pushed the thought out of my mind. I walked further down the street. Turns out, Sonic's house is closer than I anticipated because I arrived at my house in less than 10 minuets. I opened up the front door, "IM HOME!" I screached, and got an 'okay' from the living room. I walked into the doorway and saw my mom on the couch watching soap operahs. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her neck from behind, giggling.

"Hey mom!" I was in a giddy mood wich surprised even me.

"why so happy??" she asked without turning her head from the screen.

"I don't know exactly but I am..." I laughed at myself. she sighed.

"Go do your homework..." She demmanded and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Fiiiiiiinneee..." I smirked as I ran upstairs and closed my door.

I changed into my pyjamas. Sweat pants with a purple tank top. I got out my homework and sat on my bed slowly doing each problem.

"What are the three properties of matter..." I mummbled to myself. easy. Mass, Weight, and Impenetrabillity. I scribbled the answer down on the white sheet of paper. After finishing my homework I heard my mom close her bedroom door which means I should go to bed..

I got up and walked to my bathroom, brushed my teeth, and crashed on my bed. Today has been a looong day.

Then I fell asleep

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors note~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I AM SOOO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!!!!!! I have been busy finishing She has Changed that I forgot about this story...heh. anyways I hope you liked it! Did you get what I did in there!? yeah I named this story after my favorite band! ahahahahahaaaaaa!!!

this is sonamyjewelkatefan signing off saying, "HAVE A FRABJOUS DAY!! :D"

Sonic and co. (c) Sega amnd Sonic Team

Story plot (c) meh

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