Chapter 17

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BEFORE YOU READ!!! I advise that you listen to the song! It is absolutely amazing and it would make more sense in the story if you listened to it.

Here comes the long part, with a LOT of drama! You ready?! Too bad if you aren't here we go....

(Sonic's POV)

Now me and Amy's act is almost up, but she isn't here!! Where is she?! I have checked everywhere, well that's an exaggeration...but anyways, no luck! I heard the cheer of the crowd, cheering on the person who was on stage. Oh whats his name....oh yeah Ty. His act was half over and I needed to still find Amy.

"Where is Amy?" I heard Tails ask from behind, "Your act is up next!"

I sighed as I massaged my temples, trying to relax. "I don't know, but I need someone to sing with me, I can't sing all the parts. That would be a disaster!!"

"Need a partner?" a feminine voice asked, I jumped a bit, recognizing the voice. I turned around to face the girl.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do...Sally." I answered, looking at her skeptically.

"I'll pitch in if you like." She offered. I looked at her wide-eyed. She wanted to do the show with me? well, she is the only hope I have left. Might as well give it a try.

"Let me hear you sing the verse." I asked, crossing my arms.

She nodded and began to sing. eh, her voice wasn't that bad...pretty good I might say. I held my hand up for her to stop and she obliged.

"sure...I guess you can sing with me." she started to jump up and down. I stopped her, "BUT! You must treat Amy better."

 "Oh yeah Amy, she's history." she swatted her hand to the side.

"Alright, get into this outfit and your on..." I huffed holding up a red dress.

She squealed and took it. "Thanks Sonic! You wont regret it!" she shouted out before disappearing in the bathroom.

She reminds me of Amy at times...oh Amy where could she possibly be?

(Normal POV outside the theater)

Blaze was lurking around the school, finding a place to be alone. She always wanted a place to think, to meditate. She walked around the corner and found a door, the bathroom. Good enough, right?

As blaze entered she found a girl and boy kissing outside of a stall. It was pretty nasty, they were like sucking each others faces...her eye twitched as she stood there. She immediately closed the door and pressed herself against it.

She shuddered as the image of them was burned into her memory.

"Maybe that wasn't the best place to meditate..." she scolded herself for opening the door.

After a bit she started cracking up. 'That is so original...'

She rounded another corner, looking for another spot. 'Ah the janitors closet! There better not be any people making out in here.' she thought, crossing her fingers. as she opened the door, she didn't find anyone kissing no, she found...Amy.

She was passed out on the floor and she was sweating like crazy. She went to go check her pulse.

"Oh thank god.." she closed her eyes in relief as she felt a slow pulse. She picked Amy up and led her to a water fountain, hopefully that would wake her up.

(With Sonic Sonic's POV)

I tapped my foot impatiently waiting for sally to come out of the bathroom. Ty's act is almost over!

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