New Teacher

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A/n main characters in picture

"Avery get up you're not missing school again!" I heard my dad yell from down the hall.

"But dad the blankets have taken me as one of their own I can't ruin their trust now!"

"Try to regain it after school and after homework." he said laughing, and walking into my bedroom.

Groaning I walked into the bathroom and took down my giant messy bun. I brushed my teeth, put on deodorant and did my makeup which consisted of mascara and some lipstick. To me my face was already basically clear except for every now and then and I'm way to lazy to do full face of makeup unless I felt in the mood to do so or if it was a special occasion.

I went back into my room and pulled out a pair skinny jeans in a light blue color along with a burgundy and white stripped crop top that had a little alien symbol on the small pocket over the chest. slipping on a pair of black and white converse I grabbed my plain black pack and phone before I walked out of the door closing it behind me.

"are you going to eat?" my dad asked right as I headed for the front door.

"no I'm not hungry." I turned back towards the door after he shrugged leaving me be.

"get in loser we have school!" my best friend luna yelled from her black ford. smiling I ran towards the car and jumped in.

"you look cute today." I complimented her. she wore a body con black dress with some sheer black tights along with her normal all black converse and a leather jacket in again black.

"thank you, isabelle told me that she over heard the principal saying there was going to be a new teacher on campus." she said out of the blue.

"really? they might be replacing mrs.lee since she just had her baby." I replied after thinking.

"true." she stated as she pulled into a parking space.

grabbing my backpack that laid in between my legs and got out waiting by the trunk. she grabbed her purse and we walked into school together.

"so I'm wondering who is going to get the new teacher." I said mindlessly.

"i wonder if he is hot." luna laughed.

"same honestly." I laughed along with her.

"are you going to be that girl who tries to get with the teacher?" she smirked.

I gently back handed her crossed arms as I walked her to her first class. we gave each other a hug and said we would see each other for lunch. the bell had rung as a sign school has started. since I was already late to class I took my time.

I struggled as I tried to pull out my homework from my binder while trying not to drop anything. as I kept walking I wasn't paying much attention to the direction I was going in and I ran into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" the man had exclaimed apologizing for knocking everything in my hands down.

"well there goes everything.." I said calmly.

"I'm sorry I'm late and its my first day on the job I guess I was in too much of a hurry and wasn't paying attention." he tried to explain why he bumped into me.

as we grabbed my things and piled it into my binder our hands touched making us both flinch and look at each other. his light green hazel eyes locked with my baby blues, after a few seconds of staring I broke the silence and shuffled my papers into my binder and stood up.

"you must be the new teacher I heard about." I gulped.

"uh yeah, I'm looking for room 202B do you know where it is?" he asked embarrassed.

"its actually my first two classes I have."

"really you have the same class twice?" he asked.

"i failed the class last year so they gave it to me twice." I admitted.

"oh wow, if you need tutoring I can help." he smiled politely. I smiled back and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

the short walk to the class room was silent but not as awkward as I thought it was going to be. once we reached class we were both 5 minutes late. I let him go in first and I stayed behind a bit so it didn't look weird.

"ok students I'm not sure who else has heard but I'm going to be your guys' new teacher I am Elijah grayson but the school would prefer if you address me as mr.grayson." he clasped his hands together and gave a heart warming smile.

most of the kids in my class didn't really care but I was giving my undivided attention to him.

"I'm gunna go around the room now and I want you guys to tell me your names-" before he could finish his sentence the class groaned and one kid spoke out loud.

"not the stupid 'say your name and a few things about yourself' crap." the kid; Michael rolled his eyes.

"well if you would have let me finish my sentence you would have known that I was just asking for your names so I don't mess up the pronunciation." mr.grayson had smirked knowing he more or less made a fool out of Michael.

a few kids giggled looking a Michael who now had his hood up in shame. I smiled to myself and then looked up at mr.grayson who was already looking at me. I turned and looked away before I started to over think things.

"i think we will start in the back." he stated before choosing the kid on the far right.

I paid attention for the first few kids who stated their name and I already knew most of them but I just zoned out since I was the second row in front.

I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around and one of my friends, Mikala pointed towards the front.

"i know people saying their names is boring but if you would kindly pay attention." he chuckled making me blush out of embarrassment.

"sorry. my name Is avery Benton." I said quickly and then lowered myself in my seat waiting for the class to be over with.

"ok I want you guys to get in a group with 4 or 5 of your friends and stand in different spots of the room so I can tell apart the groups."

the kids did as told. I looked around the room and Mikala was already with a few other girls and everyone else was already standing around talking so I just awkwardly stood up and stood off to the side by myself. its not like I don't have friends I have luna and others but when it came to my classes I wasn't close with anyone.

"Mikala,emily,caren,lisa and Nicole take the third row. Michael,josh,levi, and corbin take the second row.." he called out the first two groups and kept calling them to different rows as he saw fit.

"avery wheres your group?"

"i don't have one."

"are you not friends with anyone in here?" he asked trying to be careful with his words.

"she doesn't like any of us mr.grayson." levi fake cried. levi was one of my friends I didn't hang out with him often but if he and I were next to each other we would talk and got along.

"shut up levi." I laughed.

"theres a seat open next to levi why don't you take it." mr.grayson offered.

"perfect its the seat I had before." I said as I sat down.

"well now that we sit next to each other wanna..." levi paused wiggling his eyebrows. just as I made a face he opened his mouth to finish his sentence.

"play hang man?" he busted into laughter.

"sure why not." I giggled.

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