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*warning spoiler alert*
(if you are reading the cross over part from insecure boy and mystery girl by skiddlewhiffers dont read this yet unless you want things spoiled for you)


" alright students that essay is due TOMORROW, make sure it is in new times roman, double spaced and 12 point font and all that good stuff!" my English teacher mrs.bradley spoke out as she clasped her hands together.

the bell rang moments later and the doorway was being filled with kids rushing out. as i walked towards building C i felt hands grab my shoulders. i quickly turned around to see who it was and to my relief it was luna.

"you scared the living shit out of me!" i say breathlessly.

"good, it keeps the heart healthy." she laughed resting her arm on my shoulders.

"i believe it puts people in hospitals for cardiac arrest." i furrow my eyebrows but a curve in my lips tells im trying not to laugh.

"are you going to bo's trial today?" luna asks me with a worried look on her face.

"yeah im going with lukas, he asked me to come for support." sighing i lift myself onto the concrete wall right by the flower bushes.

"are you worried that she's guilty?" luna stays standing in front of me.

"most defiantly but almost everyone is saying shes just crazy and that she did everything." running my hand through my tangled hair my mind begins to race.

"i dont mean to be the debby downer but from what ive heard, bo is not who she says she is. i mean come on why would she be on the run and the feds were after her if she was innocent?"

"i dont know, maybe she was scared?" i bite my lip and tuck my hair behind my ear.

"stop making excuses for her avery, its not like you two were like incredibly close."

"its not like that, lukas was really falling for her luna, i dont want this scar him for life like it most likely will."

"its something that might happen you just gotta be there for him when he needs you, help get through it." luna came closer and gave me a hug rubbing my back gently.

"come on lets get to class." she held out her hand and i took it jumping off the wall.

we parted ways when i got to history class for the second time today. sitting in my usual seat in the middle of the second row people around me kept staring at me like i was some type of alien. i overheard a few people across the room whisper something about the trial.

"shes on the psychos side." one of them said loud enough for people to hear. I roll my eyes trying to let the anger subside.


I take one last look in the mirror. I fix my black blazer and rolling the sleeves up to my elbow, pulling down my plain white v neck, and adjust my black skinny jeans.

"Mom have you seen my black pumps?" I ask looking frantically in my closet.

"Right here." She says holding the pair along with my purse.

"Thanks." Grabbing the items from her hands I rush out the door to get in Lukas's van.

"Took you long enough." He says jokingly.

"Sorry I couldn't find my shoes." I take a deep breathe as I can finally relax.

"You okay?" I ask looking at the tight grip Lukas has on the steering wheel. The radio played quietly but loud enough for there not to be silence.

"Yeah." Is all Lukas gives me.

"I'm sure she's not the one who did it Lukas. Have faith." I try to calm his nerves but I think I ticked him off.

"I have faith!" He yelled through gritted teeth.

"Don't take an attitude with me just because your girlfriend is on trial." I snapped crossing my arms and looking out the window.

"I'm sorry, I've just been so stressed. I haven't slept much these past few months."

"It's fine. She'll get through this without a doubt."

"I know she will." He said as if it were a fact.

"That's the spirit." I said to myself and get  comfortable in the passenger chair, taking a small nap.

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