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I'm still reeling. While the staff approach me with questions they should damn already know, I bark out for them to ask my brother before slamming my office door on a loud hiss.

This isn't happening.

It can't be happening.

I always get my way, and the countless hours put into this job now feels wasted. EcoMax are a worldwide company—the dream client. It's no secret that they have been a dream of mine for many years.

It looked to be that they were thinking about changing advert agencies when AD-MAN - their current agency - took a major chain supermarket onto the books to work solely for them. Robert, the CEO of EcoMax, contacted me late last year about the rumours, asking if we were taking on clients.

I said that we were pretty booked up, but could move schedules around, which was my first mistake. Admittedly, you're not going to put all of your trust into a company that seem to give the impression that they're going to be too busy for you. And, if I'm being truthful, we probably are too busy for them, but there's something driving inside of me that says not to let this one go.

There's a soft knock on my door before my younger brother, Noah, enters the room. "I take it that your plan didn't work with Delilah."

I'm scowling at him which makes him laugh. "No. She all but confirmed that EcoMax are interested in her."

Noah makes his way over to the plush chairs sitting in front of my desk. "Good. I'm happy for them. They could use a break."

"What're you on about?" I'm leafing through the papers on my desk like a damn stroppy teenager. I think the letters exchanged between EcoMax and us are somewhere around here. "Not good for her. We want in too."

"Don't you think we took on enough clients this year? It's coming up to December, and you know how crazy that time of year is for us," he replies, and he doesn't get it.

Growing our books is the only way of gaining global success. I'm proud of the team we have here, some of them having had worked on projects for airline's, mainstream alcohol companies, and the sports car industry. They know their stuff which has seen us soar over the past year, and I'm positive they'll smash this for EcoMax.

I push aside the bills for now. "We had the Christmas adverts sorted by the end of summer. You already know this, Noah."

He lets out a long breath as his fingers go straight to his forehead. "I'm not going to argue with you because you always think you're right."

There's a number written here that I think is the contact number for the sales team at EcoMax, so I drag the phone over to give it a call, but it's dial tone. Next, I pull out my mobile phone, but it's the same problem with the number not being recognised.

Fucking brilliant.

"Are you listening to a word I just said." I'm zoning back in as soon as he finishes that sentence.

"Sorry, what?"

Noah shakes his head. "I said to remember that I'm away from the second of December for my vacation time."

News to me. "Since when?"

"Since the beginning of the year. I'm going, so don't you dare think about saying I can't," he replies, getting all shitty with me.

I have five siblings, but Noah is the only one of them who're in this business with me full time. AdvertsGo means as much to him as it does to me, we just have different work ethics. I'm cut-throat, and can smell the bullshit a mile off, while he takes the lick-arse approach. The client can do no wrong, even when they deserve to be thrown out of the place.

Love in the Dark (LarssonSiblingsSeries#1)Where stories live. Discover now