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I sit outside the local village hall in my car, waiting for Delilah's DANCE FIT class to finish, checking through the emails on my phone. There's a sudden light from the doors, and then crowds of women walk out into the carpark. I put my mobile in my glove box and get out of my car to meet my girl. It's hard to make out the faces in the evening's darkness, but when I catch sight of Jeff Bauken in the car next to mine, it makes me feel like I'm in the boys' changing room all over again.

Jeff Bauken. The sole reason for my torment at school. Leader of many sheep.

I can sense my gaze hardening when he moves to the side and catches sight of me through his car window. There is a moment of confusion, before realisation dawns on him and he's smiling when he gets out of his car.

The cheek of it. It's as if we're long lost buddies when he strides over here, growing closer to slap my back. I haul myself backwards so my back is pressing into the handle of my car, trying my best to dodge his outstretched hand.

Did I put some sort of vibes out into the universe by mentioning his name, and now it wants to punish me?

"Ed, it's been years, man," he says, totally oblivious to the sweat beading down my neck.

I narrow my eyes, despising the way my emotions grow out of control. It's mad how out of control I feel right now. "Yeah, for good reason."

"Look, man," he says, reaching out to pat my shoulder. Is he for real? Back off, man. "No hard feelings about school, yeah?"

I grip onto his hand and twist it around, causing him to grunt out loud. I move in closer to him "Touch me again, and my fist will be in your face. Got it?"

Jeff wriggles his fingers as he shakes out his hand with his eyes, catching onto something in the distance. "Delilah?" he says, a smile pulling at his lips. My anger increases at the news of him knowing her.

"Hey, Dr Bauken. Fancy seeing you here," she replies, in her usual friendly tone.

I want to reach out for her, but don't get the chance with Jeff wrapping his arms around her for a hug.

Delilah stiffens on the spot and it pisses me off harder. Why does he think it's okay to touch her? It's fucking unprofessional. "Any news on my dad's hospital appointments?"

My childhood bully is not her father's doctor. No. way. Over my dead body.

"No, I'll chase it up in the morning for you. Did you meet Tracy in there?" he replies, still holding on to her arm.

If I find out the guy is still dating Tracy Temple, then I'll blow a fuse. Tracy Temple, who I lost my virginity to in the back of my first car for a bet on their part. Yeah, a bet. A gamble on my mental health as they pushed me over the last bridge to self-destruction.

"I did meet her inside. I enjoyed her class," Delilah replies, oblivious to my inner turmoil.

When Jeff finally lets Delilah go, she shuffles my way, giving me a soft kiss on the lips, to which I cup her jaw with my hand and pull her in for a longer one. I'm desperate for her touch, needing her as close as possible.

"Are you two dating?"

I shield Delilah with my body from Jeff's question, holding back the urge to pin him up against the car to show him what would happen if he bossed me around now. "Yeah, we are. Get in the car, Dee."

I calm when Delilah wraps her hand around my elbow, showing me in that soft gesture that she's picking up on my unease enough to push her way inside. She tilts her head back to look at me. "Edward is everything all right?"

"Edward and I go way back," Jeff says, and Delilah's nails dig into my jumper.

"You go way back as in school?" she whispers, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, we went to school together," he replies on a smirk, showing the old Jeff I once knew. Cocky. Self-absorbed. Out to get you.

Delilah is nudging my shoulder now, staring up at me with shining eyes. I can't bare the sympathy. "Was he one of the bullies?"

Yeah, the instigator to all my pain, but I stay silent, feeling sixteen years old again. It's weird how seeing someone who brought you that much hurt can bring back all of your insecurities.

Delilah understands my silence as a yes and shoves past me, advancing towards Jeff with bunched up fists. My protector who's turning into a bulldog as she snaps at him.  "I hope you're proud of yourself. You big bully!" I go to pull her away, but she shoves her arm out, not allowing me to get any closer to Jeff. "Do you feel like a big man? Huh?"

I watch Jeff step back uneasily and notice how my heart beats faster. "Look, that was years ago now," he says.

"So what if it was years ago? It still doesn't excuse your actions. You may have forgotten about your words, but I'm sure Edward hasn't. That stuff sticks with you a lifetime," she shouts, gritting her jaw as her chest moves up and down. "You," her voice cracks when she points at him, "You pig!"

"Delilah, we were kids," Jeff replies, looking at me when he says it.

Delilah takes hold of my hand to drag me towards my car, turning back to point at him another time. "And, don't think I'm letting you anywhere near my dad. I'm applying for a new doctor. Maybe, then we'll get some light on his condition because you seem to do nothing."

I climb inside my car with a foggy head while Delilah jogs around to the passenger's side, jumping in here to pull on the seatbelt, giving it the brunt of her anger. I crave to be away from this carpark, but need to check she is okay first. Delilah doesn't shout at people. Never. I glance to my left and see her gazing into the distance, both hands wrapped around the seatbelt, not responding at all when I whisper her name.

"I don't know what came over me," she says with her gaze still set in the distance. "My anger got the better of me."

I ignore my brain when it says to keep my distance by collecting her hand to brush my lips across her knuckles. "You were amazing. The way you stuck up for me... I've never had that before, Dee. Only from my family."

She peels her eyes from the windscreen to glance my way, regret mixed with other things embedded in her features. I reach out to stroke her cheek, moving closer when she lays her face in my palm. "Did I embarrass myself?"

"Not at all." I shake my head with a smile.

Delilah cracks a smile too, and my heart pumps extra hard in my chest. I'm turning into a right sap. "I felt as if I was facing my bullies too. A switch turned, and I wanted to scream at him. I want to take away your pain, Edward. Every bit of it."

"Little temptress," I growl but soften my eyes, not knowing how to reply to her, scared of making an idiot of myself.

"Yes," Delilah says, leaning in to wrap her fingers in my hair, closing her eyes when her nose presses into my cheek. Like she understands what I'm asking. "I'll be your little temptress."

I want her forever.

This beautiful woman was going to be the love of my life, but I didn't know what pain was until I drove straight into the storm of losing her.

Love in the Dark (LarssonSiblingsSeries#1)Where stories live. Discover now