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I charge through my agency door, heading straight for Kris who is already helping herself to coffee and biscuits, passing by Noah's desk as I clench my hands together. I feel like such a piece of shit. Am a piece of shit. I deserve everything I get.

I spin to my brother, who's up and frowning at me. "I need you to go check on Delilah. Now."

Noah strides around his desk. "What's going on? Is Delilah okay?"

"No," I have to grab the edge of the desk before I do something really stupid and trash this place. "She knows about the deal."

"The deal with EcoMax? Didn't you cancel that interview?" he says, and the disappointment in his eyes shows.

The anger and regret within me keeps building, and I see Delilah's devastated face all over again. I want to grab her. I want to hold her close and never let go, because these feral spikes of anxiety running through my body are horrendous.

I point towards Kris, who is now sampling the other packets of biscuits. "EcoMax are here. And, Dee knows fucking everything."

Noah comes up close to me, so we're nose to nose, eyes bubbling with his anger. "You said that you called off the EcoMax deal! Are you lying to us as well?"

Yes. I need his anger too. It gives me the space I need to let out some frustration so I shove at his chest, welcoming the push he gives me right back. I want to throw something. I want to shout and then I want to beg down on my knees for my mistakes.

"I did. I have no idea why they're here," I shout at him.

My gut coils further when my brother shakes his head like he's given up on me. He turns away to head for the agency door, speaking as he goes. "I hope you realise what you've lost. Delilah is probably the best thing to happen to you."

"Delilah is the best thing to happen to me," I shout after him, not able to keep my steam under control. There's no doubt in my mind. I will never get a better woman. She is it for me.

Noah says nothing else, and I make sure to watch him sprint across the road before I turn my sights on the Barbie doll who's getting herself comfortable on our couches. The best thing is to give it to her straight, then she needs to leave.

"Miss Porter?" I stride towards her, well aware of my power when she practically drools onto her dress, she fiddles with the hem. I frown down at her. "I apologise for your wasted trip here, but this will never happen. We don't want your custom here."

She wipes her damp mouth with our branded tissue and smiles like she's sure she can change my mind. "Don't be so silly, Mr Larsson. We can make this work. Name your price."

The old me would have salivated at the words name your price. Not now. Not when the one person who believes in me most is crying to herself over my stupid mistakes. Fuck. Scowling at her, I wish she could just take the hint and leave, but it seems she's as stubborn as me when she lists off the things she loves about our record history.

"No price will tempt me," I speak bitterly at her. "I'm a busy man, so if you could take your business across the road, I would be grateful."

Kris tips her head back to cackle. It's an annoying sound. "Not in a month of Sunday's would I take my business across the road. The place is a dive."

"Are you purposely trying to be unprofessional or are you new on the job?" I spit.

That stops her laughter as her cheeks flush bright red. "I came here to make a deal. We will pay anything you want."

Love in the Dark (LarssonSiblingsSeries#1)Where stories live. Discover now