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I can't quite believe my eyes when I walk up the pathway to Millhouse Mansion. I knew that the Larsson's were swimming in cash, but seeing the assets up close is a shock to the system.

Lights are twinkling at the front of the house, showing off the beautiful cream stone, bright flowerbeds, immaculate lawn, gravel of the driveway, and the stunning sports cars.

I tug down the tight dress past my knees when Edward comes out to greet me at the door. I like the casual look of the dark blue jeans and a cosy-looking jumper on him.

"You're late," he says and it stops me in my tracks.

His dark blue eyes are dancing with danger, his plump lips outstretched into a straight line as he absorbs my outfit too. I'm self-conscious and a little hot underneath his stare, wishing I that I never let Poppy convince me into wearing this dress.

"Not by that much," I whisper, breaking into a small smile at his friendly chuckle.

He nods to the door. "You better get inside. It's cold tonight."

As soon as he closes the huge wood door, a champagne flute is given over by a young woman in a black suit. I take a big sip in the hopes of it settling me and tip my head back to gawp at the crystal chandeliers hanging above us.

The colours are just spectacular as they bounce off each crystal and shoot in opposite directions.

Edward turns to me when he notices me a step or two behind him. I rush my step towards him. "You're just in time for Betty's singing."

It isn't until then that I notice a thousand eyes on me, well, it's probably around two hundred, but it's still alarming. I give a few awkward shuffles and strained smiles as we make our way to a table full of delicious food.

Edward grabs a plate and hands it over to me. "Our chefs went all out on the buffet. You eaten yet?"

Oh, boy, they have a chef?

I check out the crust-covered tomatoes and put one on my plate, along with a slice of quiche, stepping back when a woman in a silk dress pushes beside me. Edward passes me a knife and fork when I round the table to join him beside the grandfather clock.

I spy fries on his plate. "Is that mayonnaise on you skinny fries?"

He nods. "Yes, and curry ketchup."

"As in ketchup that tastes of curry?" I ask.

Grinning, he picks up a chip and shoves it in his mouth, chews, then answers me. "No, it's more like a sweet bbq sauce. It's good. You should get some."

I think I'll pass on the heavy foods tonight, feeling a turning in my stomach enough already. It surprises me that I'm here for the nerves eating at me. I almost backed out, but I really wanted to see Betty perform again and realised to see her would mean pushing me out of my comfort zone.

And, in all of her beauty, Edward's mother, Selma Larsson sashays over here in a white suit with gold buttons, grabbing hands and kissing cheeks with her guests. "I was so happy when Edward told me that he invited you here tonight, Delilah," she says when she eventually gets to us.

I can't help but grin when she brings me into her arms with the scent of rich honey surrounding me. "I'm happy to be here. Are you well?"

"I am very well, my darling. And yourself? Are you cold? I can see you shivering," she replies, cupping each of my hands inside hers.

I shake my head, slightly embarrassed. "I'm not cold. Just very nervous. I don't go out all that much."

I hear Edward's shoes slugging across the marble tile floor when he moves closer to me, placing a gentle hand on the bottom of my back. It shocks me and I find myself frowning up at him.

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