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It's only a few nights since boys night at my apartment, and I'm out again. Betty is working the crowd like a professional—her fans gobbling up her every word. The rowdiness of the last hour quieting down as they stand patiently to watch her story unfold.

It's no joke.

Betty writes lyrics like the pages of a story. The words worming their way into your heart to infect your bloodstream with hurt and anger. It's a talent that will earn her a wad of cash one day.

Lost in her words, she has her eyes closed as if she wants to shut out the room as she relays her darkest moments to the world. I chance a look in Trevor's direction to see him in physical pain as he forces himself to listen like it's a form of self-torture.

It doesn't take a genius to recognise that the song is about him and the way he shit all over their relationship. Laine is a mess of tears next to my mum who's no better, having to dab at her eyes every two seconds.

Dad keeps his arm sealed around my shoulders as he listens with the rest of us, leaning in to my ear. "This is blowing me away."

He's proud of her talent and the fact that she's brave enough to share it. It's as if her shyness disappears once she's stood in front of an audience.

I nod with my chest swelling at the way her supporters start cheering her on. "Me as well—

One second I'm standing here comfortably, and the next a force finds itself in my personal space. A body slams into my dad before it wobbles into me to break us apart, nearly sending my glass of scotch all over the floor.

My temper rises like a bolt of lightning through the sky, and I'm ready to bite whoever just smacked into me's head off until I see Delilah's weary face. My anger disappears in no time, and I sense my smile.


"I'm sorry," she blurts out, looking between us with wide eyes. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

The bourbon is doing something to me when the low chuckle bubbles in my throat. "I can see that."

Delilah's cheeks tint pink and then she turns to view the stage where Betty is letting Shawn have his moment on the guitar. "Your sister can sure sing. I'm in love with her lyrics."

I nod. "Yeah, she's a little superstar."

"I can feel the pain in her every word," she replies, fiddling with the necklace around her neck.

I take the last swig of my drink and press my lips together in need of another. I lean in closer. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Pardon?" Delilah blinks in my direction.

I frown. "I asked if I could get you a drink?"

"Oh." She shifts backwards, my presence probably making her uneasy."No, I'm okay, thanks."

"Are you sure?"

Delilah stares at my face for an unknown amount of time before letting her eyes drift to the floor. "I shouldn't drink when I have work in the morning."

I shrug, pointing to the crowded bar. "I'm drinking, and I have work tomorrow as well. They have a great cocktail list here."

Delilah turns to watch Betty again. "But then I'd be socialising with you."

She's quick on the wit this girl.

I touch her shoulder which she definitely doesn't expect when she rubs over where I just did. "Please have one drink with me?"

Love in the Dark (LarssonSiblingsSeries#1)Where stories live. Discover now