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I start to get annoyed with myself when I change out of my shirt for the third time this evening. Nothing looks right, fits right, feels right. I need to get a bloody grip. It's only a steak dinner. A weekly meal with my family, yet this time it's different. I'm bringing a guest. I never bring anyone. Ever.

It's strange because when mum asked if I wanted to invite a plus-one - like she always does - I couldn't say yes fast enough. I half-expected her to pass out when she gasped at my answer, always used to getting a no from me. I never expected for Delilah to agree to come as well, so I suppose it's a day of surprises for us all.

My fingers itched all day to keep texting her, wondering what she would wear tonight, why she waited so long to answer my last message and if she thinks I am the biggest loser on earth for wondering so.

My phone comes to life, vibrating from its place on the bedside cabinet, forcing me to rush over there, just in case it's Delilah asking about directions. I can't help the disappointment swamping me at Noah's name. Outside. Hurry up.

How funny that he's telling me to hurry when it's all I have said to him for the past three years for turning up to work late.

I decide on the dusky pink shirt on my back and get out of the building as quick as my legs will take me, hearing Noah beeping his horn when I'm at the agency entrance. I give him the finger and lock up, jumping into the back of his car while Clara studies her face in the mirror. She doesn't bother with a hello, so I don't either.

My legs crush together the moment I get inside the car, feeling like it's trapping me to the backseat. Noah's small car is no good for my height, which is why I always drive myself to places. No need to be uncomfortable. But Noah insisted on driving me to the restaurant tonight, and I would not argue with him more than we already had today.

Something in my gut is telling me he's using me as a filter for his girlfriend because all she does is moan about having to be around his family every week. When I'm close, she can't bitch too hard, even though she will anyway. It's not like she cares about anyone's feelings. She just opens her mouth and spews hatred on everyone who isn't her friends. At least I have his back, though.

"Who was that waving at the car?" she says when we set off down the road.

Noah looks to the side and quickly waves back, the sight of a genuine smile pulling at his face. "That's Laine's friend, Bailey."

He's being careful.

She keeps looking out of the window. "Does she work at the deli?"

Noah keeps his voice steady. "Yes, well, she owns it. You'd like it there, baby. It's all fresh and healthy."

Clara's neck whips to the side, watching Noah like a hawk. "I doubt she owns the place. She looks too young."

Noah gives her a sweet smile. "Bailey's twenty-five, like us."

"How would you know how old she is, Noah?" Clara replies, her voice as tight as her body in that car seat. It looks like she's about to explode at any moment. It makes me grateful to be sitting behind Noah.

He winces, ducking away from her flailing hands when she reaches out to push his shoulder. "Laine told me," he says.

I grit my teeth so hard the creak, not wanting to create an argument before the evening has even begun, but she's making it tough to bite my tongue when she makes her annoyingly high-pitched whining sounds.

"You shouldn't be interested in other women's lives, Noah. Not when you are with me," she snarls, the crocodile tears making an appearance now. For fuck's sake.

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