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When Zara Wayne woke up that morning, she had a bad feeling. She knew about her brother's conflict with Zod. When Zod sent a message to Earth, requesting that the people of Earth give her brother up, it sent her into a panic. She called Clark, begging him not to go.

"Zara, I need to. If I don't, he'll start killing people."

"So? If you go, he'll kill people anyway! Please Clark, I'm begging you. I've already lost dad. I can't lose you, too."

Realizing that she couldn't reason with her brother, she took a plane to Metropolis, and told the Mayor to start evacuating people. The Mayor laughed, and hung up on her.

Unable to convince anyone, she called Bruce. She told him that she believed that Zod's fight with Superman would head to Metropolis. He said to start evacuating as many people as she could, and that he would be there as fast as he could.

By the time Bruce got there, he could only watch, and listen in horror as the building he thought his wife was in, collapsed. He managed to save her, and a little girl from a collapsing metal beam.

Both Wayne's looked up at Superman in the sky. Bruce swore to get revenge for the innocent. Zara swore to never speak to Clark again.

Bruce's Wife/Clark's Sister (Indefinite Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now