Busy, Busy, Busy

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"Sara!" Devon called my name as I sat in the corner, hiding in the closet. "Sara. Where are you?" I covered my mouth and pulled my legs closer to my chest. I couldn't believe I was doing this. Hiding in a closet. I heard his footsteps getting closer and my breathing stopped all together. I looked at the door knob and let out one, shaky breath as I listened to him grabbing the knob and turning it slowly. Suddenly the door swung open and I screamed as he grabbed me. 

"Let me go!" I laughed.

"Guys, I found her!" Devon shouted to the others. James, Mel and Olivia ran over and laughed. 

"You lasted the longest." Olivia said. 

"How, I was literally just in the closet. I feel like you let me win because I do not want to play hide and seek when there is a perfectly good TV right there." I pointed to Devons TV and shook my head. "You guys are children." They laughed and shrugged.

"It's nice to be a kid when you have to grow up so fast." Devon shrugged. I gave him a weird look and chuckled slightly.

"Who said you have to grow up fast. Just because you have responsibilities, it doesn't mean you have to grow up. I'm a child all the time."

"Even with your mom in her...condition?" Mel questioned. I laughed and looked at my best friend.

"You act like she's dying of a serious illness or something." 

"She might as well be!" Mel shouted, laughing. 

"Having twins is not an illness." I chuckled, shaking my head. Devon, James and Olivia were just listening to us argue. 

We had finished filming for Blackwater Cave but we didn't lose touch. We were all pretty close still. All except Helen, but, it was nice. Mel had met the cast when I brought her to a set party because I missed her. They hit it off, except for her and Helen. They argued at the party and hate each others guts now, but it made Olivia and Devon like her more. And since she knows about how Devon is, she's been making me distance myself from him in a way. 

We were all at Devons house just hanging out before Supernatural started filming again. It was the last weekend before I got so busy I wouldn't have a break for a while. I hadn't realized I had planned so much at one time, until it was too late. 

"Alright." Mel smiled after I told her to shut up. James chuckled and grabbed my hand. He led me to the couch and we sat down together watching as Olivia, Mel and Devon played Twister. I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder. 

"What are you doing on Monday?" He asked. 

"Monday...Monday, I think I have a convention to make an appearance at." I said. 

"Cool. The rest of the week is..."

"Oh, Tuesday I think I'm doing a thing with Mark because his fans liked our collab or whatever. Wednesday is another Supernatural thing. Thursday is me meeting with Andrew and Eric. Friday I'm meeting with Chandler and-"

"Chandler?" I looked up at James who seemed really concerned. 

"Yes? Chandler." I nodded. 

"Walking Dead kid?" I nodded and chuckled a little. 

"He called a while ago saying the show would have an opening for another character and I could audition. Well, I didn't even have to because Chandler requested me and some other stuff and I got the part. So he wants to meet up with me so I can do these papers." He narrowed his eyes and I smirked. "Are you....jealous?"

"Jealous? Me? No. Of course not." He said, as I laid my head back down. I laughed and shook my head.

"You're cute when you're jealous." I said. He chuckled and I smiled. I loved his laugh. It was so adorable and nice. 

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