The First Day Of Shooting

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"Sara! Wake up." My dad said, shaking me. I groaned and rolled away from him. 

"No." I groaned. He chuckled and I covered my head. I thought he left so I relaxed but then he jumped on top of me. "Dad!" I groaned. He laughed and I tried getting air in my lungs. "Okay, okay. I'm up." I gasped. He got off me and I shot up, getting air. "Why would you do that?" I asked.

"You have to get up." He laughed. At first I was confused but then it hit me. 

"Its the first day of shooting!" I smiled. My dad smiled and nodded. 

"So get up." He said. I nodded and stood up. 

"Okay, out with you then." I said, pushing him out my room. I quickly got dressed and ate some food. "We're picking Mel up right?" I asked. My dad nodded and I whipped m phone out to make sure she was awake.

Me: Mel? Wake up child!

Mel: I've been up for hours

Me: I know you weren't because you say that when you lie

Mel:.......shut up

Me: lol! Get up! We'll be there in thirty.

Mel: thirty hours?

Me: you wish!

My dad finished getting ready and got on the road. "I want pie!" I giggled a few minutes later.

My dad laughed and we pulled into Mel's driveway. She had a bag of clothes because we were going to be there all week. There as in, Canada.

"I still think it was sneaky of you two to put you in it." My dad said, pointing at Mel. I giggled and shook my head. 

"It wasn't sneaky. It was smart. I was thinking of doing it even before the first script was over." I said. He laughed and the car was silent. I just sighed and got on Twitter. "Oh my God!" I groaned. 

"What?" My dad and Mel asked. 

"The Charlie Charlie Challenge is trending." I said, rolling my eyes. 

"Again?" Mel asked. I nodded and showed her my phone.

"What's the Charlie Charlie Challenge?" My dad asked. 

"This dumb thing like an oujia board. Summoning a demon named Charlie." I explained. 

"Does it work?" My dad asked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. 

"Are you kidding me?" I scoffed. "They probably blow on it. Matter of fact, I know they blow on it." 

"I agree." Mel said. I was tired of talking about it so I brought something else up. 

"I'm a little scared." I said. 

"Why?" My dad asked. 

"Because in not used to acting." I answered. 

"Its basically pretending." My dad said. 

"I don't pretend in front of people though." I pointed out. 

"True. Remember that time I caught you pretending your Barney was real and you started crying?" He asked. 

"Yes and I was five. Don't hold it against me." I said. My dad laughed and shook his head. 

"You'll do fine." He said. We stopped talking about it as we got on the plane. I fell asleep because I was so tired. Soon, though, I had to get up and we were at the set. We were waiting on a few more people.

Mel went to get some tea and Jared came over to talk to me. "Scared?" He asked. 

"Shy." I answered. He smiled. 

"Don't be. It'll be easy. I'll make it easy." He said. 

"I'm sure you will." I laughed. Jared went to talk to my dad and I sighed. I walked over to Mel who smiled. 

"Am I in the show as a major or not?" She asked. I smiled. 

"Your in a scene." I smirked. 

"Just a scene?" She asked. 

"You're in more later." I assured. She nodded and shooting began soon after. Luckily, we didn't shoot in order so I wasn't first. My dad and Jared first shot the scenes where they were all bloody and stuff so they didn't have to keep taking make up off and putting it on and all that. In between Jared or Misha or my dad messing up or making us all laugh, we had time for one more scene today. 

"Cut! Okay. Sara, Victoria, your scene. Scene one! We start in five!" The director said. I sighed and Jared smiled. 

"You got this!" He mouthed. He was taking off the make up and such.

Victoria was the lady who was playing my drunk mother. She was going to be in a few more episodes later but only one scene in this. I quickly changed into the clothes for the scene and took a deep breath. I sat on the bed they had for the scene when Mel came over and laughed. They already shot her scene. "You know you can do this!" She said. I nodded. 

"That's what Jared said." I smiled. She smiled as well and sat by me. 

"Well believe him. You're an amazing actress." She said. 

"How would you know?" I asked. She blushed a little. 

"That day I came over and when I walked in your room and you asked how much I seen and I said 'seen what?' Well, I seen that whole acting job of you pretending to be on the show." She explained. I punched her arm lightly and she giggled.

"Three minutes!" The director called. Mel got up and walked backwards toward my dad and Jared. 

"You got this!" She said, giving me a this up. I smiled and closed my eyes. I began imagining me ten years from now, rich and famous. A because I did this show in the beginning.

"Two minutes!"

I opened my eyes and smiled. "I got this!" I called to Mel. She smiled and gave me another thumbs up. I got under the covers of the bed and got the book, turning to a random page.

"One minute!"

I finished up with what I was thinking and before I knew it the director said 'Action!'

I pretended like I was reading the book and shook my head. "God....Sam and Dean need to work out family problems." I muttered. Then Victoria stumbled over by the door and scowled. "Time for bed, you little maggot." She slurred. I couldn't help but laugh because she was so nice usually and that wasn't even close to the way the script was. But I liked that better. The rest of the car stared laughing to and we had to start over again.

After about five more times we finished that scene and it was time to go to the apartment. "You did great Sara!" Mel said. 

"Let's celebrate with her favorite desert." My dad said. I suddenly became the emoji with both its eyes closed and its tongue sticking out. 

"Do you mean...." My voice trailed as Mel went to the freezer. 

"Ice cream cake!!!!" She finished. I smiled and we dug into our yummy desert.


I did it!!! I made the auditions!! Im going to Florida in December. Yaaas!! I'm sooo happy!!! Well, I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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