Blackwater Cave

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"Sara!" A voice called as I walked into the set. I turned to see Olivia walking toward me.

"Hey!" I grinned.

"So, how was Texas?" She asked.

"Pretty great. I rested, looked at some stars, played some games." I nodded slowly.

"Sounds fun."

"It was." I giggled. She walked me over to Mr. Zamboni and he began explaining what scenes we were shooting. Slowly, more people came onto the set and it got more and more loud. It was different than the set of Supernatural. Not more or less technologically or anything. But it felt different just because of the people around. Mark and Misha weren't there. Jared and dad weren't goofing off. It didn't have the same playful feel. It was weird. Just didn't have the same aura.

"Alright kids. Get your makeup done." Mr. Zamboni finished off. Olivia and I walked over to get our makeup done and I met James there. I hugged him and he lifted me off the ground, spinning me around like in the movies.

"I missed you." He said.

"Missed you too." I smiled.

"I saw you on Marks channel. You are very good at that game."

"Thank you." I giggled. He nodded and we sighed.

"Gotta sit down the chairs now." I spoke. He nodded and sat in the makeup chair. As fake blood was being put on my face, I texted my bestie.

Mel: she pretty?

Me: kinda

Mel: prettier than me?

Me: lol ofc not. You're my best friend through and through. I promise Olivia will not change that

Mel:'re more like Amy each day

Me: well, she is based off me 😂

Mel: mhm ik

Me: this fake blood is so itchy! Ugh. I want my daddy and uncle Jared

Mel: awe you miss them

Me: more than I thought I'd ever miss those dorks

Mel: how sweet

Me: ugh. After spending so much time with him, I miss him after a few hours. Kms

Mel: lol

Me: oh geez. Gtg. Needing to act bye

Mel: bye love you

Me: lol love you too

I changed out of my regular clothes and into my wardrobe. James held my hand and escorted me to the first set. While we were filming one thing, Devon and Olivia were doing another while Helen was off somewhere doing something. No one could find her.

"Alright, this is the scene where the two of you are fighting off some of the crawling monsters and Isabel gets hurt. I need to see pain in Williams eyes. I need pain in Isabel's face. Make it emotional and suspenseful at the same time." Mr. Zamboni told us. We nodded and I looked down at my leg which had fake blood waiting to run out my dirty jeans to make it as I'd injured my leg.

"Ready?" James asked as we got on our marker. I nodded slowly and smiled.

"Of course."

"Alright kids. Action!" James and I ran across the set, pure terror on our faces. First James went into the narrow crevice then I followed. The monsters, played by very tall and skinny individuals, chasing closely behind, I got into the crevice.

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